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In Africa Languages, there is a close()between sounds and letters.





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更多“In Africa Languages, there is …”相关的问题
British companies in textiles, clothing and footwear manufacturing sectors have faced





Africa lacks a high degree of literacy ______ its population as a whole.
Africa lacks a high degree of literacy ______ its population as a whole.




D、no word is needed

South Africa used to be a country where black people and white people were().
South Africa used to be a country where black people and white people were().



It is widely believed that languages change and develop constantly.(翻译)
It is widely believed that languages change and develop constantly.(翻译)

Langd enclosure in Ireland and the Scottish Highlands led to mass emigration,particularly to _______.


B、Eastern Europe


D、the Americas

That novel is said______into over 12 languages by the end of last year.

A. to be translated

B. being translated

C. having been translated

D. to have been translated

Statistics resulting from careful investigations show that there have been over 5,000
languages in the world, about two thirds of which have only had()form.





From childhood to old age, we all use language as a means of broadening our knowledge
of ourselves and the world about us.When humans first31, they were like newborn children, unable to use this32tool.Yet once language developed, the possibilities for human kinds future33and cultural growth increased.Many linguists believe that evolution is34for our ability to produce and use language.They35that our highly evolved brain provides us36an innate language ability not found in lower37.

Proponents of this innateness theory say that our38for language is inborn, but that language itself develops gradually,39a function of the growth of the brain during childhood.Therefore there are critical40times for language development.Current41of innateness theory are mixed, however, evidence supporting the existence of some innate abilities is undeniable.42, more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in43grades.Young children often can learn several languages by being44to them, while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the45of their first language have become firmly fixed.46some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum.Children who have been47from other human beings do not possess language.This demonstrates that48with other human beings is necessary for proper language development.Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human language49than any innate capacities.These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior.50, children learn language from their parents by imitating them.Parents gradually shape their child's language skills by positively reinforcing precise imitations and negatively reinforcing imprecise ones.

31.A.generateD. B.evolveD. C.born D.originated

32.A.valuable B.appropriate C.convenient D.favorite

33.A.attainments B.feasibility C.entertainments D.evolution

34.A.essential B.available C.reliable D.responsible

35.A.confirm B.inform. C.claim D convince

36.A.for B.from C.of D.with

37.A.organizations B.organisms C.humans D.children

38.A.potential B.performance C.preference D.passion

39.A.as B.just as C.like D.unlike

40.A.ideological B.biological C.social D.psychological

41.A.reviews B.reference C.reaction D.recommendation

42.A.In a worD. B) In a sense C.IndeeD. D.In other words

43.A.various B.different C.the higher D.the lower

44.A.revealeD. B.exposeD. C.engageD. D.involved

45.A.regulations B.formations C.rules D.constitutions

46.A.Although B.Whether C.Since D.When

47.A.distinguished' B.different C.protecteD. D.isolated

48.A.exposition B.comparison C.contrast D.interaction

49.A.acquisition B appreciation C.requirement D.alternative

50.A.As a result B.After all C.In other words D.Above all

There is a business letter below. After reading it, you should give brief answers to t
he 5 questions (No.41 through No.45) that follow. The answevs (in not more than 3 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.

Gmail(Google Email)Notice

Subject: Your Gmail account has bean inactive for a long time

From “The Gmail Team”gmail-noreply@gmail,com

Time2008-06-26 14:12:15

To wanghaiyan@163.com

Hi there,

We’ve noticed that you haven’t used your Gmail account,wanghaiyan@ gmail.com,for quite some time.In order to make Gmail better for our users,we’ve added a lot of things in the last few months and we hope you’ll want to start using your account again.

Stop worrying about storage(存储量).Your account now has 5000 megabytes(兆字节)of free storage and our plan is to continue growing your storage by giving you more space as we are able.

The Gmail interface(界面)is now available in 12 languages.If you don’t see the language you want on this list.Look for it in the future because we’re going to keep adding more.

We’re still working hard every day to build for you the best email service around.But to keep Gmail great for our users.we may have to close inactive accounts after 9 months.So,we hope you’11 give us another chance.To log in(登录)to your Gmail account,just visit:http://gmail,google,com.


The Gmail Team

41.Why does the Gmail Team write to the Gmail user?

Because the user hasn’t used his/her Gmail_______for quite some time.

42.What kind of storage the user’s account now has?

It now has 5,000 megabytes of_________________________storage.

43.How many languages are available in the Gmail interface now?


44.What may happen to the user’s account if it is inactive for 9 months?

The Gmail team may have to_______________the user’s account.

45.What is the purpose of the Gmail team in sending this email?

They hope the user will______________the account.

As the English language has changed at a fast speed in this century, so has the use of
the English language.

After the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) was founded in 1927, the particular style. of speech of the BBC announcers was recognized as Standard English or Received Pronunciation (RP) English.Now, most people still consider that the pronunciation and delivery of BBC announcers is the clearest and most understandable spoken English.

English has had a strong association with class and social status.However, since the Second World War there has been a considerable change of attitude towards speech snobbery, and hallmarks of class distinction such as styles of speech have been gradually discarded, especially by the younger generation.

As the need has arisen, new words have been invented or found from other languages and incorporated into English.Similarly, old words and expressions have been discarded as their usefulness has diminished or the fashions have passed.This also happens to styles and modes of speech which became fashionable at a particular time and in specific circumstances.

By the end of the 1960s it became apparent that it was not necessary to speak Standard English or even correct grammar to become popular, successful and rich.The fashionable speech of the day was no longer the prerogative of a privileged class but rather a defiant expression of class lessness.

The greatest single influence of the shaping of the English language in modern times is the American English.Over the last 25 years the English used by many people, particularly by those in the media, advertising and show business, has become more and more mid-Atlantic in style, delivery and accent.

In the 1970s, fashion favoured stressless pronunciation and a language full of jargon, slang and “in” words, much of it quite incomprehensible to the outside world.What is considered modern and fashionable in Britain today is often not the kind of English taught in schools and colleges.

1.Which one of the following is NOT true?

A.The use of the English language has not changed much in this century.

B.The BBS announcers speak Standard English.

C.English has no association with class and social status now.

D.Young people all speak English in the same way.

2.What does the author imply by saying “there has been a considerable change of attitude towards speech snobbery” (Para.3)?

A.People all speak English like BBC announcers.

B.There is a great change of attitude about how English should be spoken.

C.Some people still think their way of speaking is inferior.

D.Most people don’t believe their way of speaking is inferior.

3.According to the author, there was a trend in the U.S.for the young people _________.

A.to speak Standard English.

B.to speak English without class distinction

C.to speak English with class distinction

D.to speak English with grammar mistakes

4.The word “mid-Atlantic” in the passage (Para.6) probably means _________.

A.American and European

B.American and British

C.the Atlantic Ocean

D.in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean

5.It can be concluded from the passage that ________.

A.Standard English is taught in school and colleges

B.the young people are defiant because they refuse to speak standard English

C.English language is influenced by American English in the last 25 years

D.there has been a great change in the English language in this century

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