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With its ___ nations of color this tree seemed to become a globe embracing all seasons and continents.





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Would you describe Starbucks 'production/ope nations technology in its retail sto
res as unit, mass, or process? Explain your choice. (Hint: You may need to review his material found in Chapter 10.) How does is production/operations technology approach affect the way products are produced?

Demand for Elderly Care Services in China Rising RapidlyThe number of elderly people a

ged above 60 increased. Demand for elderly care services in China will continue to rise due to the increasing aging population. The number of elderly people aged above 60 was over 200 million in 2012, and will be 300 million in 2025 and 400 million in 2034, according to experts.

It will be a tough challenge for China to deal with, due to the increasing rates of urbanization and a decreasing birth rate. The Chinese people will be facing a big challenge if we do not have enough money when we get older.

The United Nations defines an aging society as one that has 10 percent of its population at or above the age of 60.

When most developed countries were classed as an aging society, their gross domestic product (GDP) per capita stood at between 5,000 to 10,000 U.S. dollars or above. However, China became an aging society in 2001, and its GDP per capita was only 1,000 U.S. dollars. It was 6,000 U.S. dollars in 2012. China’s economic foundation for an elderly society is fragile.

On Sept. 13.2013, the State Council issued a guideline to speed up the development of China’s elderly care services, hoping to complete a social care network for its elderly by 2025.

1.What does the word “decreasing” in Paragraph 2 mean? ()

A.It means “falling”

B.It means “rising”

C.It means “peaking”

2.What does GDP stands for? ()

A.Government Document Publishing Service

B.Gross domestic product.

C.General domestic product.

3.What was China’s GDP per capita in 2012? ()

A.It was 1,000 U.S. dollars

B.It was 6,000 U.S. dollars

C.It was 10,000 U.S. dollars

4.Why is China’s economic foundation for an elderly society fragile?()

A.Because of its increasing aging population and its low GDP per capita

B.Because when China was classed as an aging society, our gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is high

C.Because of its decreasing aging population and its high GDP per capita

5.The passage implies that().

A.Chinese government can do nothing to deal with the challenge of the increasing aging population

B.Chinese people don’t need enough money when they get older

C.The Chinese social care network is expected to be completed in the near future

Since its founding in 1948, McDonald’s has grown from a family burger(汉堡包)stand t

o a global fast-food chain, with more than 30,000 locations in 118 countries.

With 58 million daily customers worldwide, McDonald’s is now so ubiquitous around the globe that The Economist publishes a global ranking of currencies’ purchasing power based on the prices charged at the local McDonald’s, called the Big Mac Index(巨无霸指数).That’s not to say that every nation carries the same menu items: choices vary widely depending on location. Some Asian locations serve fried shrimp in a Big Mac roll, while McDonald’s in India doesn’t serve beef at all, relying instead on burgers made from vegetables, rice and beans.

Not everyone in the world has been happy to greet Ronald McDonald when he moves to town. Many see McDonald’s as a symbol of American economic and cultural chauvinism(沙文主义), and European nations in particular have viewed American-style. fast food as an insult to their national food. A French farmer, Jose Bove, became something of a national hero in 1999 after he and a group of people destroyed a McDonald’s under construction to protest globalization and “bad food.” The next year, a bomb exploded in a French McDonald’s, killing a 27-year-old employee. No one claimed responsibility.

But regardless of whether you like their food or their policies, McDonald’s is still widely seen as one of the true pioneers of peaceful globalization.

1.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE()?

A.McDonald’s was founded in 1948

B.McDonald’s has opened its restaurants in every city of the world

C.McDonald’s has over 30,000 locations in the world now

2.The word ubiquitous in Paragraph 2 is most likely to mean().

A.very crowded

B.very clean

C.existing everywhere

3.From Paragraph 2, we can conclude that().

A.McDonald’s designs its menu to suit the local people

B.millions of young adults got their first job with McDonald’s

C.the McDonald’s menu sticks to old-fashioned favorites such as the Big Mac

4.What did Jose Bove and his people do in 1999 to protest against McDonald’s()?

A.They destroyed a McDonald’s under construction

B.They protested outside a McDonald’s

C.They refused to go to a newly-built McDonald’s

5.In (), an employee died in a fatal bomb attack on a McDonald’s restaurant in France.




(1) ________ nation has its own (2) ________ of behaviour, and the United States is (3)_
(1) ________ nation has its own (2) ________ of behaviour, and the United States is (3)_

_______ exception. In the United States, children are encouraged almost from (4) ________ to be open and direct. Americans think that (5) is a sign of honesty. They should, and (6)________ speak their (7) ________. (8) ________ in business or social life, openness serves (9)________ a corner stone for partnership and companionship. Americans are suspicious of (10)________ and indirectness. They feel (11) ________ by indirectness which they don’t trust or understand. Many (12) ________ nations, however, do not value openness or directness highly. For instance, people in Britain (13) ________ these qualities, because, to them, openness and directness (14) ________ naive, childish and even rude. They do not signify adult behaviour in their eyes. British people consider indirectness as a virtue and view it in a positive (15) ________. They even hold that indirectness is an art of communication. The English and American may have some problems with their communication even though they speak the same language.

(1) a. All b. A c. Every d. Different

(2) a. level b. mode c. rule d. code

(3) a. no b. not c. without d. neither

(4) a. born b. birth c. initiation d. beginning

(5) a. opening b. open c. openness d. opened

(6) a. can b. may c. must d. would

(7) a. thinking b. brain c. minds d. head

(8) a. Whether b. If c. Both d. Neither

(9) a. for b. with c. at d. as

(10) a. reservation b. reserved c. reserve d. reservedness

(11) a. afraid b. threatened c. terrified d. horrified

(12) a. other b. the other c. another d. every other

(13) a. deny b. oppose c. argue d. discourage

(14) a. seem b. look c. feel d. sound

(15) a. way b. road c. feeling d. point

Every country tends to accept its own way of life as being normal one and to praise or
criticize others as they are similar to or different from it.And unfortunately, our picture of the people and the way of life of other countries is often a distorted one.Here is a great argument in favor of traveling abroad and learning foreign languages.It is only by traveling or living in a country and getting to know its inhabitants and their language that one can find out what a country and its people are like.And how different the knowledge one gains this way frequently turns out to be from the second-hand information gathered from other sources! How often we find that the foreigners whom we thought to be such different people from ourselves are not very different after all.Differences between peoples do, of course, exist and, one hopes, will always continue to exist.The world will be a dull place indeed when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike, and some people might say that we are rapidly approaching this state of affairs.With almost the whole of Western Europe belonging to the European Economic Community (EEC) and the increasing standardization this brings about, plus the much greater rapidity and ease of travel, there might seem some truth in this—at least as far as Europe is concerned.However this may be, at lest the greater ease of travel today has revealed to more people than ever before that the Englishman or Frenchman or German is not some different animal from themselves.

1.The passage is mostly concerned with the issue of ____.

A.advantages of the EEC

B.attitudes towards other countries

C.learning foreign languages

D.differences among people

2.According to the author, ____.

A.our knowledge of other cultures are always wrong

B.reading books about other countries is the safest way of understanding their peoples

C.there are more similarities than differences among different people

D.there are more differences than similarities among different people

3.Some people think that European peoples are identifying themselves with each other because of the following EXCEPT _____.

A.the establishment of the EEC

B.the greater rapidity and ease of travel

C.the increasing standardization

D.the rapid industrialization

4.The clause “However this may be” suggests that ____.

A.the author is going to introduce a new idea

B.the author is about to avoid any conclusion

C.the author is about to give up his own point of view

D.the author will stick to his own point of view

5.The passage seems to attach importance to ____.

A.the greater ease of travel nowadays than before

B.the uncontrollable tendency to identification

C.the similarities in terms of way of life between different cultures

D.the differences between European peoples and other nations

The 2014 Ebola outbreak is the largest in history and the first Ebola outbreak in West
Africa. Although the current epidemic does not cause a significant risk to other nations, many countries, including China and the United States of America, have actually been working closely with the Ebola hit states. For example, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is taking precautions at home besides its activities abroad.

CDC's team of “virus hunters” is supported by specialized public health teams both in West Africa and at the CDC Atlanta headquarters. Together, they offer continuous support to save lives and protect people. CDC works closely with a number of U.S. government agencies, national and international partners. CDC's experience of working with Ebola is important to the World Health Organization's growing West Africa Ebola response.

On Sept. 2, 2014, CDC Director, Tom Frieden called for more international partners to join this effort. “The sooner the world comes together to help West Africa, the safer we all will be. We know how to stop this outbreak. There is a window of opportunity to do so the challenge is to scale up the massive response needed to stop this outbreak.”

CDC's response to Ebola is the largest international outbreak response in CDC's history with over 100 disease specialists on the ground in West Africa, supported by hundreds of public health emergency response experts stateside , activated at Level 1, its highest level, because of the significance of this outbreak.

The CDC supports affected countries to establish Emergency Operations Centers at national and local levels and helps countries track the epidemic including using real-time data to improve real-time response.

Efforts in West Africa to identify those infected and track people who have come into contact with them are improving. The CDC is operating and supporting labs in the region to improve diagnosis and testing samples from people with suspected Ebola from around the world. Local health care systems are strengthened through communication, coordination with partners and training on infection control for health care workers and safe patient treatment.

26. The 2014 Ebola out bread ask is the first one in western countries.()

27. The headquarters of CDC is in Atlanta.()

28. CDC works closely with some US government agencies, national and international partners in response to the large Ebola outbreak.()

29. There were less than 100 disease specialists from CDC in West Africa for the Ebola response.()

30.CDC is operating and supporting labs in the region to test samples from people with suspected Ebola in West Africa.()

Halloween is a holiday widely celebrated with different names in many countries.Althou
gh it originated as a religious holiday, it has lost its religious connections in the United States.It is now celebrated largely as a children's day, and many American children look forward to it for days and weeks beforehand.

The orange pumpkin is harvested at this time of year and is hollowed out, a funny face cut into it, and a candle placed inside as a decoration in the window.City folks, nowadays, sometimes use paper pumpkins for decorations.

Some years ago, the holiday was celebrated by dressing up in strange and frightening costumes and playing tricks on one's neigh bars and friends, such as ringing door bells, throwing bits of corn on the window panes, and in other ways making minor disturbances.

More recently, children come to the door to have friends and neighbors admire their costumes and guess who they are behind the false faces and receive treats of candies, fruits or cookies.They say, “Trick or Treat”, meaning, “I will play a trick on you if you do not give me a treat.” More recently, this practice has even developed into a significantinternational activity.Instead of or along with candies, children collect money for UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund).This special collection of money by children for needy children throughout the world is known as “UNICEF Trick or Treat”.Begun only recently, it results in several million dollars each year contributed to UNICEF.The collection box is orange, reminiscent of the pumpkin.

26.What does Halloween originate from? ()

A.A children's day.

B.A trick or treat.

C.A religious day.

D.A day for UNICEF.

27.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about how the children celebrated the Halloween some years ago? ()

A.Dressing up in strange and frightening costumes

B.Playing tricks on one's neighbors'friends

C.Throwing bits of corn on the window panes

D.Breaking the neighbors'windows

28.Which of the following may NOT be used in the Halloween celebration? ()





29.Why do children collect money in the Halloween? ()

A.They love money.

B.They want to get enough money to buy candies for themselves.

C.The adults are willing to give them money.

D.They want to help other children.

30.What is the symbol of Halloween?()





With the fresh water reducing, the United Nations is () to all the citizens to save wa
With the fresh water reducing, the United Nations is () to all the citizens to save wa




__________ takes place between nations and governments rather than individuals; it is q
uite formal and ritualized.

A、Intracultural communication

B、Intercultural communication

C、International communication

D、Interracial communication

The dialogue at the United Nations, for example, would be termed intracultural communic


A "conference" is in fact a cartel, whose role is to fix prices for all the
member nations andcompanies()


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