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翻译:Today, many any cultures divide music into art a usic and music of the people.

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The new studies show that fewer than half of the 9th graders in many of the nation’s l
argest cities,ever graduate.The studies clearly show that the dropout rate isn’t dropping.And,in particular,the dropout rate isn’t dropping for poor and minority students.

Amazingly,though so many people regret the rising dropout rate,our schools continue to lack formal plans—or any plans—about students’ motivation.Most schools have no game plans to ensure that students understand that school will be completely necessary.Schools expect the children to act as the school is important,but they never teach them to believe that.

Years ago,families ensured that the offspring recognized the value of school.But in many modern families,the children may fail to recognize the importance of school life just because these families may actually tell the children that school is not important.Since many families are not motivating their children to be interested students,young professionals,like teachers,may need to provide this training.Otherwise,it is likely that the dropout rate will continue to not drop,but only worsen.

Here are some strategies to convince even the most apathetic students that they must stay in school.

Ask students if they will ever need to work:The world has changed.100 years ago,factory work was the booming job,and it required no education.Today,factories are increasingly automated.Most computer­related jobs require education and at least a high school diploma.

Ask students which century they will be prepared for:In 1900,the most common jobs were farm laborer and domestic servant—education not needed.Now,the most common jobs are office and sales worker—education and diploma usually needed.6 out of 10 people today work in a store or an office.

Ask students to devise a way that the employee could be replaced.For example,the coming trend in fast food is to use computers rather than people to run the restaurant.A prototype is apparently already being tested.The students should discover that most jobs that lack education and diploma requirements will be ripe for automation.

1.By saying “the dropout rate isn’t dropping”,the author means to say that ________.

A、most of the 9th graders can afford to go to school

B、quite a few of the 9th graders can graduate

C、the majority of the 9th graders cannot graduate

D、the minority of the 9th graders can’t graduate

2.The author’s attitude towards the schools is ________.





3.With the help of some professionals,________.

A、fewer students may stay in schools

B、some parents will be more convinced of their children’s future

C、the dropout rate in schools may drop

D、all the kids problems should be solved

4.What does the underlined word “offspring” probably mean?





5.According to the passage,________ doesn’t need education.

A、an automation job of today

B、a computer­related job now

C、an office job at present

D、a domestic servant’s job in 1900

Growth is frequently painful and confusing、but that does not make it any less necessary
or valuable.翻译

In the early days of nuclear power, themade money on it. But today opponents have so c
omplicated its development that no nuclear plants have been ordered or built here in 12 years.

The greatest fear of nuclear power opponents has always been a reactor “melt down”. Today, the chances of a meltdown that would threatenUSApublic health are testing new reactors that rely not on human judgment to shut them down but on the laws of nature. Now General Electric is already building two advanced reactors in. But don't expect them even on USA shores unless things change in Washington.

The procedure for licensing nuclear power plants is a bad dream. Any time during, or even after, construction, an objection by any group or individual can bring everything to a halt while the matter is investigated or taken to court. Meanwhile, the builder must add nice, but not necessary improvements, some of which force him to knock down walls and start over. In every case when a plant has been opposed, the Nuclear Regulation Commission has ultimately granted a license to construct or operate. But the victory often costs so much that the utility ends up abandoning the plant anyway.

A case in point is the Shoreham plant onNew York'sLong Island. Shoreham was a virtual twin to the Millstone plant in, both ordered in the mid 60s '. Millstone, complete for $ 101 million, has been generating electricity for two decades. Shoreham, however, was singled out by antinuclear activists who, by sending in endless protests, drove the cost over $5 billion and delayed its use for many years.

Shoreham finally won its operation license. But the plant has never produced a watt power. Governor Mario Cuomo, an opponent of a Shoreharn start up, used his power to force's publicities commission to accept the following settlement: the power company could pass the cost of Shoreham along to its consumers only if it agreed not to operate the plant. Today, a perfectly good facility, capable of servicing hundreds of thousands of homes, sits rusting.

96.The author's attitude towards the development of nuclear power is _____.





97.What has made the procedure for licensing nuclear plants a bad dream_____

A.The inefficiency of the Nuclear Regulation Commission.

B.The enormous cost of construction and operation.

C.The length of time it takes to make investigations.

D.The objection of the opponents of nuclear power.

98.It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that _____.

A.there are not enough safety measures in theUSAfor running new nuclear power plants

B.it is not technical difficulties that prevent the building of nuclear power plants in theUSA

C.there are already more nuclear power plants than necessary in theUSA

D.the American government will not allow Japanese nuclear reactors to be installed in theUSA

99.Governor Mario Cuomo's chief intention in proposing the settlement was to _____.

A.stop the Shoreham plant from going into operation

B.urge the power company to further increase its power supply

C.permit the Shoreham plant to operate under certain conditions

D.help the power company to solve its financial problems

100.From which sentence of the article can you see the attitude of the author and that of Governor Mario Cuomo respectively_____

A.the 2nd sentence in the first paragraph, the 3rd sentence in the last paragraph.

B.the last sentence, the last sentence but one

C.the last sentence in para.2, last sentence but one.

D.the last sentence in para.3, the 3rd sentence in the fifth paragraph.

Recently some American scientists have given a useful sincere piece of advice to peopl
e in industrialized nations that they would be much healthier if they ate more of the same kind of food eaten by humans living more than 10,000 years ago.

The scientists say that the human body has changed very little since human first appeared on the earth, but the way we live has changed greatly.Our body has not been able to deal with these changes in life style. (方式) and this has led to new kinds of sicknesses.These new sicknesses were not known in ancient times (古代).So they are called “diseases of civilization”.Many cancers and diseases of the blood system (系统),including heart attacks and stroke (中风) are examples of such diseases.

Scientists noted that people in both the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age enjoyed very little alcohol (酒精) or tobacco (烟草),probably none.Ancient people also got a great deal of physical exercise, but a change in food is one of the main differences between life in ancient times and that of today.

Stone-age people hunted wild animals for their meat, which had much less fat than domestic or tame ones (家畜).They also ate a lot of fresh wild vegetables and fruits.They did not have milk or any other dairy products, and they made very little use of grains.But today, we eat a large amount of these.We eat six times more salt than our remote ancestors.We eat more sugar.We eat twice as much fat but only one third as much protein (蛋白质) and much less vitamin.(维生素) C.

People today probably do not want to live the way people thousands of years ago did, but scientists say that we would be much healthier if we ate much the same way our remote ancestors did ,cutting the amount of fatty, salty and sweet food.

1.According to the passage, people in industrialized nations would be much healthier if they eat()

A.more food as human living 10,000 years ago did

B.as human living 10,000 years ago ate

C.more kinds of food eaten by people living over 10,000 years ago

D.more of the same kind of food eaten by people over 10,000 years ago

2.New kinds of sicknesses have been found because().

A.the human body has changed compared with(同……比较) human first appeared on the earth

B.the way we live has changed a little

C.our body can't deal with the changes in life style

D.the way we live today is proper for the human body

3.What is the main cause that people suffer from a lot of new sicknesses? ()

A.Ancient people did a great deal of physical exercise

B.People today have a lot of alcohol

C.People today have more tobacco

D.Food today is quite different from that of ancient times

4.Which of the following belongs to the dairy product?()





5.According to some scientists, Stone-age people were much healthier than people today because they ate a lot of ______.

A.milk and other dairy products

B.wild animals, fresh.wild vegetables and fruits

C.salt and sugar

D.grain foods

Felix is a system administrator.His manager asks him to install a peer-to-peer network

A.Peer to peer network are less secure because they do not centralize access control.

B.Peer to peer network has too many intra structure costs for such a small implementation.

C.Peer to peer network administration requires advanced networking skills so phoenix would need more trainin

D.Peer to peer networking is not ported by any of the major network operating systems.

Mobile phones are the items that a lot of people are having today. However,do we really
need to have a mobile phone by our side?

We could start with the advantages of mobile phones. There are many things that we could do with mobile phones. With the advancement of technology,more and more features are being added to the mobile phones which make them more useful. In addition to making calls,mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging,email,Internet access,business applications,gaming and photography. We can bring them everywhere,and can be reached by others anytime. They make the world smaller,bringing people together no matter where they are.

But we could have some risks when using our mobile phones. We may have accidents when we use them while driving. Some studies show that mobile phones can do harm to our bodies;and materials in mobile phones could damage our environment.

Since there are so many risks,why do we still have mobile phones?This is because these risks or disadvantages can be overcome. For example,while we are driving we can easily pull up our car if we really need to use the phone. Mobile phone manufacturers are reducing the radiation of mobile phones to avoid health risks.

Though there are both pros and cons of using mobile phones,we could easily see that there are more advantages than disadvantages. Moreover,mobile phones are becoming cheaper,which might be another reason why mobile phones are increasingly used today.

1. Which of the following functions is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Text messaging.

B. Camera.


2. What risks might mobile phones cause?

A. Traffic accidents and health problems.

B. Environmental damage.

C. Both A and B.

3. What are mobile phone manufacturers doing to prevent mobile phone users from health risks?

A. They are reducing the radiation of mobile phones.

B. They are trying to persuade people to use mobile phones less.

C. They are developing new models of mobile phones.

4. Why do people still use mobile phones despite their disadvantages?

A. Because people don’t believe that mobile phones have any disadvantages.

B. Because the disadvantages of mobile phones can be avoided.

C. Because people cannot live without mobile phones.

5. According to the last paragraph,why are mobile phones increasingly being used today?

A. They are safer.

B. They have more functions.

C. They are becoming cheaper.

It is difficult to estimate the number of youngsters involved in home schooling,where
children are not sent to school and receive their formal education from one or both parents.Legislation and court decisions have make it legally possible in most states for parents to educate their children at home,and each year more people take advantage of that opportunity.

Supporters of home education claim that it is less expensive and far more efficient than mass public education.Moreover they quote several merits: relief of school overcrowding,added curricular and pedagogical (课程和教学法) alternatives,strengthened family relationships,lower dropout rates,increased motivation,higher standardized test scores,and reduced discipline problems.Supporters of home schooling also believe that it provides the parents with the opportunity to reinforce their moral values through education.

Critics of home schooling movement claim that it creates as many problems as it solves.They acknowledge that,in a few cases,home schooling offers educational opportunities superior to those found in most public schools,but few parents can provide such educational advantages.Some parents who withdraw their children form. the schools in favor of home schooling have an inadequate educational background and insufficient formal training to provide a satisfactory education for their children.Typically,parents have fewer,not more technological resources available than do schools.However,the relatively inexpensive computer technology that is readily available today is causing some to challenge the notion that home schooling is in any way not so good as more highly structured classroom education.

Finally,a sociological (社会学) concern is the restricted social interaction experienced by children who are educated at home.Technology will never replace the pupil-teacher relationship.Also,while relationships with parents and brothers and sisters may be improved,children taught at home may develop a distorted (歪曲的) view of society.

31.The main idea of the passage is that_____.

A.more and more parents are in favor of home schooling

B.home schooling is superior to school education because it has been legally approved

C.though home schooling has its advantages,it creates as many new problems at the same time

D.school education is no doubt better than home education

32.Those who support home schooling think that_____.

A.it's less expensive and more efficient apart from other merits

B.it has added curricular and pedagogical alternatives

C.it will cause fewer discipline problems

D.it's more important to reinforce moral values

33.Critics believe that_____.

A.few parents can afford computers and technology when providing home education

B.few parents are qualified enough to provide a satisfactory home education

C.school teachers are better than parents

D.classroom environment can provide most satisfactory education

34.According to the author,home schooling cannot help children_____.

A.acquire social knowledge

B.build up a relationship with family members

C.build up pupil-teacher relationship

D.develop a right view of society

35.The attitude of the author toward home schooling is_____.



C.totally negative


The two most obvious changes in American economy are the emergence of a highly sophist
icated technology and the rise of giant corporations.In addition, market forces have lost some of their significance as planning has become more important.The government has assumed a greatly changed role in the economy.Property relationships and decision-making power have shifted.The demand for highly educated specialists has increased enormously.

We may think of the American economy, as consisting of two completely different sectors.The world of the giant corporations, which can be called the "industrial system", consists of 500 or 600 firms that provide "nearly all communications, nearly all production and distribution of electric power, much transportation, most manufacturing and mining, a substantial share of retail trade, and a considerable amount of entertainment." Outside of this industrial system fall most agricultural enterprises, some mining and trucking, professional and artistic pursuits, some retail trade, and most personal and domestic services.

The classical economic laws of supply and demand still apply to some degree.But today the industrial sector is characterized far more by planning and certainty than by the free play of market forces.It appears that it could scarcely be otherwise.In large corporations with advanced technological systems and complex organizations of highly trained specialists, plans for producing any one item are made well in advance.Such plans, once made, are hard to change.Because long-term planning demands certainty, market forces are avoided by various means.For example, the corporation may achieve "vertical integration" by buying companies that supply raw materials at one end of the process and distribution outlets at the other.Corporations may agree on "just prices" for things they buy and sell.They may enter mutually advantageous long-term contracts with suppliers and customers.Moreover, in their quest for certainty they generally have the support of the state.

26.The American giant corporations possess so many new characteristics that

A) highly educated managers are important for the corporations

B giant corporations become decentralized

C economic laws of the market are effective inside corporations

D heads of the giant corporations try to control the government

27.By the second paragraph, we know that .

A retail trade accounts for a big part in non-industrial system

B there are more giant corporations than agricultural enterprises

C giant corporations control every part of American economy

D giant corporations provide most of productions and services

28.From the whole passage, we can infer that American economy .

A is experiencing the rise of giant corporations

B is determined by hundreds of giant corporations

C has failed to balance supply and demand

D becomes highly-planned one

29.In the third sentence of last paragraph, the second "it" may refer to.

A classic economic law of supply and demand

B industrial sector

C American economy

D market force

30.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A American economy is characterized by high technology and giant corporations.

B American economy consists of industrial systems and agricultural enterprises.

C.Market economy is gradually replaced by planned economy.

D Highly trained specialists are needed.

Everyone has hobbies.A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare
time.People who take up hobbies are hobbyists.They paint pictures, sing pop songs, ___1___ music instruments and collect stamps or other things.They grow flowers, ___2___ fishing and hunting.They climb mountains, swim, skate and play games.

People today have ___3___ time than ever for hobbies.In early times, people were ___4___ busy making a living to have hobbies.Nowadays machines have taken the place of many workers.More people retire at an earlier age.They have hobbies ___5___ these activities offer them enjoyment, friendship, knowledge, and relaxation.


























根据下列材料请回答 31~35 题: A Now satellites are helping to forecast the weather.T

根据下列材料请回答 31~35 题:


Now satellites are helping to forecast the weather.They are in space,and they can reach any part of the world.The satellites take pictures of the atmosphere(大气),because this is where the weather form.They send these pictures to the weather stations.So meteorologists(气象学家)can see the weather of any part of the world.From the pictures,the scientists can often say how the weather will change.

Today,nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries receive satellite pictures.When they receive new pictures,the meteorologists compare them with earlier ones.Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed during the last few hours.This may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change,too.In their next weather forecast,the meteorologists can say this.

So the weather satellites are a great help to the meteorologists.Before satellites were invented,the scientists could forecast the weather for about 24 0r 48 hours.Now they can make good forecasts for three or five days.Soon,perhaps,they may be able to forecast the weather for a week or more ahead.

第 31 题 Satellites travel______.

A.in space

B.in the atmosphere

C.above the ground

D.above space

Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digita...

Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are available on our smart phones. 1 of us just walk straight into the woods without a phone. But phones 2 on batteries, and batteries can die faster than we realize. 3 you get lost without a phone or a compass, and you 4 can’t find north, a few tricks to help you navigate 5 to civilization, one of which is to follow the land... When you find yourself well 6 a trail, but not in a completely 7 area, you have to answer two questions: Which 8 is downhill, in this particular area? And where is the nearest water source? Humans overwhelmingly live in valleys, and on supplies of fresh water. 9 , if you head downhill, and follow any H2O you find, you should 10 see signs of people. If you’ve explored the area before, keep an eye out for familiar sights—you may be 11 how quickly identifying a distinctive rock or tree can restore your bearings. Another 12 : Climb high and look for signs of human habitation. 13 , even in dense forest, you should be able to 14 gaps in the tree line due to roads, train tracks, and other paths people carve 15 the woods. Head toward these 16 to find a way out. At night, scan the horizon for 17 light sources, such as fires and streetlights, then walk toward the glow of light pollution. 18 , assuming you’re lost in an area humans tend to frequent, look for the 19 we leave on the landscape. Trail blazes, tire tracks, and other features can 20 you to civilization. 1.





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