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Do you know how many people on the ship _____so far?

A.have been saved

B.were saved

C.have saved

D.are being

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更多“Do you know how many people on…”相关的问题
How much do you know about John Steinbeck, the author of Lesson Six? (about 350 words
How much do you know about John Steinbeck, the author of Lesson Six? (about 350 words

How much do you know about John Steinbeck, the author of Lesson Six? (about 350 words)

"Do you know () he got the highest mark in the English exam?" "Yes. He h






---______ brothers do you have?---I only have an ______ brother.

A.How many;elder

B.How much;older

C.How many;old

D.How much;old

How many ______ do you see in the picture?




D.the tomato

_____ do you meet each other?

A.how many days

B.how often

C.how long

D.how much time

Our family lives on a dirt road in rural Vermont.Most mornings, I walk that dirt road
with my two dogs, Matti Dog and Yellow Dog.

Both Matti Dog and Yellow Dog were strays of unknown history.They both showed signs, curling up at sharp voices and fast movement, of having been beaten in their past homes.We got Matti Dog at the pound (走失家畜认领栏), where she was known as Lady.Yellow Dog appeared while my wife and son were traveling in Utah.

In spite of their backgrounds they are simply wonderful dogs.Both stay at home, without requiring a chain, or fence.We don’t need a leash(皮带)on our walks, they stay close to me, and come immediately when I whistle.If I ask them to sit, they do and they stay until released.Yellow Dog does tend to find and carry dead animals on our walk — but hey he is a dog…

Training Matti Dog and Yellow Dog to behave this well took love and 3-4 weeks of daily half-hour exercises of basic obedience(服从).Not much effort but apparently more than many are willing to give.

On this 3-mile walk, we pass about 8 other houses and 15 other dogs.Folks in my neighborhood like dogs! But what is troubling is that 6 of these dogs appear to be chained all the time.I don’t monitor this, but I have walked by at various times of the day and they were always chained.

These poor dogs are castoffs(被抛弃的狗), perhaps a Christmas present now ignored, or maybe they just behave so “badly” that their humans gave up.What does it say about owners that they can’t spend 2-4 weeks half an hour daily to teach their dog how to behave in a way that permits the dog freedom and that helps that dog be a better companion?

I do know some of these folks.They seem decent enough, but here for all passers to see is the failure of their relationship with man’s best friend.

Your dog is a great billboard.The advertisement is about you.

1.What do we know about the two dogs?()

A.They behave badly at home

B.They were Christmas presents

C.They are dirty and ill

D.They were picked up by the family

2.The writer treats his dogs ____________.


B.with love

C.with a leash


3.The writer thinks the neighbors’ dogs poor because they __________.

A.don’t have freedom

B.are always hungry

C.like to attack people

D.behave badly

4.The writer believes the owners of those poor dogs _____.

A.are poor people

B.don’t know how to train dogs

C.don’t really love their dogs

D.are too busy to care for dogs

5.“The advertisement is about you” means _________.

A.a lot can be learnt about you from your dog

B.an advertisement is made about you

C.you should know a lot about your dog

D.you make an advertisement for your dog

London: Melting Pot of CulturesDid you know that London is one of the most multicultura
London: Melting Pot of Cultures

Did you know that London is one of the most multicultural cities in the world? Here, there are about 300 different cultures living side by side. Forget tea and sandwiches, now it is more common for a Londoner to drink cappuccino for breakfast, and eat Thai food for lunch in the local pub. Let’s see how life has changed in Britain’s capital.

A India

Most people from India arrived in London in the 1950s and 60s. Now there is a strong Asian presence here – in the shops, markets and, of course, the restaurants. In fact, curry is Britain’s favorite takeaway meal. A typical family has a curry every two weeks, either delivered or bought ready-made from the supermarket. Indian people live all over London. Southall, in the far west of the city, is one of many places well known for its Indian culture.

B Poland

This community represents more than 1% of the UK’s total population and is growing rapidly. In London, many Polish people live in the Hammersmith area, in the west of the city. Here, there are several Catholic churches, and delicatessens which sell the country’s specialities such as beetroot soup (barszcz) or Polish cakes and snacks. Were they right to come? Young Poles say they can easily earn three times as much money here as at home, where unemployment remains high.

C West Africa

West Africans – mainly from Ghana and Nigeria – have brought a wealth of languages, music and culture to the British capital. Many London markets sell their traditional foods like yams and different types of rice. A lot of Nigerians live in the south-east London area, in suburbs like Deptford.

1、When did most people from India arrive in London?

A、The 1950s and 60s.

B、The 1950s.

C、The 1960s.

2、How often does a typical family have a curry?

A、Two times.

B、Every two weeks.

C、Two weeks.

3、Where do many Polish people live?

A、The east of the city.

B、Catholic churches.

C、The Hammersmith area.

4、Why do Polish people come to London?

A、They can earn three times as much money in the UK.

B、Unemployment remains high in the UK.

C、They are growing rapidly.

5、What kind of traditional West Africa foods do markets sell?

A、Ghana and Nigeria.

B、Languages,music and culture.

C、Yams and different types of rice.

Body language is the “silent language” of every culture. It is important to know the body
language of every country, or we may be misunderstood.

In the United States, people greet each other with a handshake in a formal introduction. The handshake must be firm. If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or unfriendliness. Friends may place a hand on the other’s arm or shoulder. Some people, usually women, greet a friend with a hug.

Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other, they usually stand about two and a half feet away and at an angle, so they are not facing each other directly. Americans get uncomfortable when a person stands too close. They will move back to have their space. If Americans touch another person by accident, they say “Pardon me” or “Excuse me”.

Americans like to look the other person in the eye when they are talking. If you don’t do so, it means you are bored, hiding something, or are not interested. But when you stare at someone, it is not polite.

Learning a culture’s body language is sometimes confusing. If you don’t know what to do, the safest thing to do is to smile.25、Suppose you are meeting a new customer from the United States, how will you greet him?()

A. Greet him with a hug

B. Place a hand on his arm

C. Shake his hand firmly

26、Suppose you are meeting a good friend from the United States, how will you greet her?()

A. Greet her with a hug

B. Place a hand on her arm

C. Shake her hand firmly

27、If you stand too close to Americans, they will ______.

A. face you directly

B. move back

C. stare at you

28、Which of the following statements is true according to the text?()

A. Americans stand side by side when taking with friends

B. Americans show their respect by shaking hands weakly

C. Americans like to look the other person in the eye when talking

29、If you know nothing about a culture’s body language, you can ___.

A. hide your opinions

B. smile

C. stare at others

Mary Johnson: Hello! Mr. Liu, nice to meet you again. This is my boss, Mr. Robert Lee,
the general () of our company. He will host the meeting this morning.

Liu Hua: How do you do? Mr. Lee. I'm Liu Hua from China Zhongtie Bridge Design Institute Co., Ltd.

Robert Lee: How do you do? Mr. Liu. It's my pleasure to have you here with us in this ().

Liu Hua: I'm glad to have this opportunity to exchange ideas with you.

Robert Lee: Mary, you know, she is my (). Let me introduce the other colleagues here to you. Hi! Bob, I'd like you to meet the famous bridge(), Mr. Liu Hua.

Bob: Oh, my God. I'm so excited to meet you. May I introduce myself to you?

Liu Hua: Sure.

Bob: My name is Bob Jefferson. I'm Manager of Design Section. This is Dave Peterson, Manager of ()Department. Hi, Dave! Come on in.

Dave: Excuse me. You must be Mr. Liu Hua from China?

Liu Hua: Yes, nice to meet you.

Dave: Nice to meet you too.

Mary: Hi, everyone, the meeting room is ready, let's go on through. This way, please.

Learning to Keep Your Cool During TestsHave you ever felt so anxious during an examinati
Learning to Keep Your Cool During Tests

Have you ever felt so anxious during an examination that you couldn't even put down the answers you knew? If so, you were suffering from what is known as test anxiety.According to psychologist Ralph Trimble, test anxiety is a very real problem for many people. When you're worried over your performance on an exam, your heart beats faster and your pulse speeds up. These reactions start others: You may sweat more than normal or suffer from a stomachache or headache. Your field of vision narrows and becomes tunnel-like. Before you know it, you're having difficulty focusing."What I hear students say over and over again," says Dr. Trimble, who is working at the Psychological and Counseling Center at the University of Illinois, "is, 'My mind went blank.'"

For a number of years, Dr. Trimble helped many students learn how to perform. better during exams and to bring up their grades. Some of these students were interested in sharing what they learned and, with Trimble's help, began holding workshops on overcoming test anxiety. For many students, just being in a workshop with other sufferers made them feel better. They realized that they were not the only ones who had done poorly on tests because of tension.The workshops were so successful that they are still given.In the workshops, students are taught that anxiety is normal. You just have to prevent it from getting the best of you. The first step is to learn to relax. If before or during an examination you start to panic, stretch as hard as you can, tensing the muscles in your arms and legs; then suddenly relax all of them.This will help relieve tension. But keep in mind that you don't want to be too relaxed. Being completely relaxed is no better than being too tense. "If you are so calm you don't care how you do on an examination, you won't do well," Trimble says. "There is an optimum level of concern when you perform. at your best. Some stress helps. There are people who can't take even slight stress. They have to learn that in a challenging situation, being anxiously excited is good and will help them to do better. But if they call it anxiety and say, 'It's going to hit me again, ' that will make them nervous and worried."

As a student you must also realize that if you leave too much studying until a day or two before the examination, you can't do the impossible and learn it all. Instead, concentrate on what you can do and try to think what questions are likely to be asked and what you can do in the time left for studying.When you sit down to study, set a moderate pace and vary it by reading, writing notes, and going over any papers you have already written for the course, as well as the textbooks and notes you took in class. Review what you know. Take breaks and go to sleep early enough to get a good night's rest before the exam. You should also eat a moderate breakfast or lunch, avoiding drinks like coffee and stay away from fellow students who get tense. Panic spreads easily.Get to the exam room a few minutes early so that you will have a chance to familiarize yourself with the surroundings and get out your supplies. When the examination is handed out, read the directions twice and underline the significant instructions, making sure you understand them. Ask the teacher to explain if you don't. First answer the easiest questions, then go back to the more difficult.On essay questions, instead of starting right away, take a few minutes to organize your thoughts, make a brief outline, and then start off with a summary sentence. Keep working steadily, and even when time starts to run out, don't speed up.

1.We learn from the passage that test anxiety ____.

A、affects a small number of people

B、can lead to physical discomfort

C、can have a negative effect on a person's eyesight

D、often affects those who are physically weak

2.Dr Trimble often heard students say that ____

A、their mind failed to work when faced with a test

B、they had difficulty focusing on the test items

C、they could not think of a way to get rid of test anxiety

D、they began panicking well ahead of a test

3.In Trimble's workshop the students learned ____.

A、how to avoid being controlled by test anxiety

B、that test anxiety is normal and would go away in time

C、certain mental exercises that would help them relax

D、how to concentrate on what they could do

4.According to the passage, being completely relaxed before a test ____

A、helps a student to perform. better in the test

B、can also be harmful to a person's performance in the test

C、helps a student to cope with a challenging situation better

D、may be more harmful than getting too worried over tests

5.The author suggests that before a test ____.

A、you shouldav6id staying with a fellow student who suffers test anxiety

B、you should not think that you will be affected by your fellow student's anxiety

C、you should get together with other sufferers of test anxiety in order to feel better

D、you should eat a big meal and drink some coffee to keep yourself in high spirits

Red Nose DayRed Nose Day (RND) is a well-known event in the UK.The aim of the day is to
Red Nose DayRed Nose Day (RND) is a well-known event in the UK.The aim of the day is to

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day (RND) is a well-known event in the UK.The aim of the day is to raise money for Comic Relief.This is a charity that helps people in need in Africa and in the UK.

Comic Relief was started in 1985 by Richard Curtis.He wrote the famous films “Four Weddings and a Funeral” and “Notting Hill”.Richard started Comic Relief in response to the severe famine in Ethiopia.It’s called Red Nose Day as on this day many people buy a plastic red nose to wear! The money made from selling red noses goes to the charity.

Red Nose Day takes place every two years in the spring.It is now so well established that many people consider it to be an unofficial national holiday.

The slogan for the last RND was “Do Something Funny for Money.” The money that was collected was used to help fund projects in such areas as education and mental health.Money-raising events take place on this day all over the country and many schools participate.People also donate money by post, inbanks, by phone using a credit card and online.

In the evening of Red Nose Day a telethon takes place on the BBC TV channels.This is like a television marathon (马拉松)that shows some of the events of the day and reports how the money raised will be spent.People also upload videos of local charity events onto the Internet.

So, if you are ever in the UK on Red Nose Day,you will know why you find normal people wearing red noses and doing silly things! It’s all for a good cause!

1.Red Nose Day is a famous event in Britain.



C.Not Given

2.Comic Relief aims to help people all over the world.



C.Not Given

3.Richard Curtis is a well-known actor and film director.



C.Not Given

4.Many people wear a red nose on Red Nose Day.



C.Not Given

5.Red Nose Day takes place every year.



C.Not Given

6.Red Nose Day has become an official national holiday.



C.Not Given

7.The funnier people look, the more money they collect.



C.Not Given

8.People give money to Comic Relief in many ways.



C.Not Given

9.Many schools take part in the money-raising events on Red Nose Day.



C.Not Given

10.The Red Nose Day telethon has attracted lots of film stars.



C.Not Given

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