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New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk. It’s now a “global

village” where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communications equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills.

Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern business people who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroaIn modern markets, success overseas often helps support domestic business efforts.

Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she canbe sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroaIf an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superiors will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more prevalent (普遍的).

Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communications devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.

English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isn’t generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal.

The employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forwardcertain negotiations, and cam have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. Theemployee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm.

Choose correct answers to the question:

What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?





With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, businesspeople ________.A.have to get familiar with modern technology

B.are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operations

C.are attaching more importance to their overseas business

D.are eager to work overseas

In this passage,“out of sight and out of mind” (Lines 2-3, Para 3) probably means ________.A.being unable to think properly for lack of insight

B.being totally out of touch with business at home

C.missing opportunities for promotion when abroad

D.leaving all care and worry behind

According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporationsin employingpeople today?A.Connections with businesses overseas.

B.Ability to speak the client’s language.

C.Technical know-how.

D.Business experience.

The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they can ________.A.better control the whole negotiation process

B.easily find new approaches to meet market needs

C.fast-forward their proposals to headquarters

D.easily make friends with businesspeople abroad


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更多“New technology links the world…”相关的问题
We have a crisis on our hands. You mean global warming? The world economy? No, the decline
of reading. People are just not doing it anymore, especially the young. Who's responsible? Actually, it's more like, What is responsible? The internet, of course, and everything that comes with it—Facebook, Twitter (微博). You can write your own list.

There's been a warning about the imminent death of literate civilization for a long time. In the 20th century, first it was the movies, then radio, then television that seemed to spell doom for the written world. None did. Reading survived; in fact it not only survived, it has flourished. The world is more literate than ever before—there are more and more readers, and more and more books.

The fact that we often get our reading material online today is not something we should worry over. The electronic and digital revolution of the last two decades has arguably shown the way forward for reading and for writing. Take the arrival of e-book readers as an example. Devices like Kindle make reading more convenient and are a lot more environmentally friendly than the traditional paper book.

As technology makes new ways of writing possible, new ways of reading are possible. Interconnectivity allows for the possibility of a reading experience that was barely imaginable before. Where traditional books had to make do with photographs and illustrations, and e-book can provide readers with an unlimited number of links: to texts, pictures, and videos. In the future, the way people write novels, history, and philosophy will resemble nothing seen in the past.

On the other hand, there is the danger of civilization. One twitter group is offering its followers single-sentence-long "digests" of the great novels. War and Peace in a sentence? You must be joking. We should fear the fragmentation of reading. There is the danger that the high-speed connectivity of the Internet will reduce our attention span—that we will be incapable of reading anything of length or which requires deep concentration.

In such a fast-changing world, in which reality seems to be remade each day, we need the ability to focus and understand what is happening to us. This has always been the function of literature and we should be careful not to let it disappear. Our society needs to be able to make sense of a dynamic, confusing world.

In the 15th century, Johannes Guttenberg's invention of the printing press in Europe had a huge impact on civilization. Once upon a time the physical book was a challenging thing. We should remember this before we assume that technology is out to destroy traditional culture.

Which of the following paragraphs briefly reviews the historical challenges for reading?

A.Paragraph One.

B.Paragraph Two.

C.Paragraph Three.

D.Paragraph Four.

The author uses the example of a rattle to show that ________.

A. it often takes a long time to introduce new technology into toy-making

B. even the simplest toys can reflect the progress of technology

C. even a simple toy can mirror the artistic tastes of the time

D. in toy-making there is a continuity in the sue of material


A.Cloud Intelligence, a new technology, has been introduced into China in recent years, offering its users much more convenience.

B. Cloud Intelligence is a new technology. It has been introduced into China in recent years. It can offer its users much more convenience.

Distance learning has moved far away from the traditional correspondence course, aimed at
the individual student working alone. The global reach of the Internet makes it possible to unite geographically scattered students in a virtual classroom. Methods such as multimedia, video-conferencing and the Internet will increasingly allow students both to proceed at their own pace, and to interact with one another and their teachers.

Even without taking the technology to its limits, the idea of education as a lifelong process is catching on throughout the industrialized world. Already, working adults who pursue their studies part-time make up roughly half of students taking college courses in the United States.

However, there is debate in scholar circles about how far new technology should be used for teaching academic subjects in which personal contacts between teacher and student are still vital. Britain's Open University, for example, a world leader in distance education, has embraced information technology cautiously, believing it to be no substitute for books and the exchange of ideas at live tutorials and summer schools.

But the Open University is also moving with the tide. It has set up a "knowledge media institute" to explore ways of adopting information technology. Some teachers are concerned about this trend, arguing that the heavy investment that students are expected to make in computer and communications equipment contradicts the concept of "open" cost, of course, is and important factor in many developing countries, where few people have computers or even phones. Rather than uniting the world, the new technologies could lead to societies of information haves and have-nots.

Distance learning is different from the traditional correspondence course in that______.

A.it requires the individual student to work alone

B.it enables all the students to work at the same pace

C.it allows students to discuss with one another and their teachers

D.it enables geographically scattered students to study in the same physical classroom

根据材料,回答下列各题: With the unemployment rate topping 8% and the government $16 trill
ion in debt, its easy to question why taxpayers are spending $ 2.5 billion on an SUV- sized Mars rover (探测车) named Curiosity, which landed successfully on the red planet in the early hours of Monday. Couldnt this money go toward something closer to home, such as providing shelter for the homeless or building roads? Yes, it could. But this kind of thinking is shortsighted. The Mars project is the latest manifestation of Americas restless desire to answer previously unanswerable questions and take on new challenges. To paraphrase President John F. Kennedy, America does things like this not because they are easy, but because they are hard. Getting the probe down safely on Mars, after a 350 million mile journey, was certainly no easy feat. Virtually all the technology used in the approach and landing was new, or used in new ways. Once settled in, Curiosity should be a particularly awe-inspiring project. It is designed to shed light on big questions: Could life forms have ever existed on Mars? Might they still exist? And are we alone in the universe ? When budgets are tight, space projects such as Curiosity come in for particular abuse. They are often portrayed as complicated flights of odd ideas. They are not. They are both inspirational and immensely practical. Technology is, after all, an engine of economic growth. If that is a goal, as well it should be, why not support a program that makes science exciting and showcases some of the most interesting things that. technology can do? One of the main benefits of projects like this one is to promote a confident America. Throughout history, nations that explore, and engage in science, lead the world. Beginning in the 15th century, for example, European nations sent sailors around the globe and provided the impetus for thinkers such as Copernicus, Galileo and Newton to invent modern physics and astronomy. Not coincidentally, Europe came to dominate the world until the dawn of the 20th century. Those who would slash space program budgets apparently havent learned historys lessons and dont see the great possibilities that the future presents--possibilities reflected in every image transmitted back from the rover. Why is it easy to question why taxpayers money is spent on Curiosity?

A.Because Curiosity costs too much money.

B.Because the economic situation is depressed.

C.Because the money should be spent on the people.

D.Because Curiosity is meaningless and impractical.

Modern technology and science have produced a wealth of new materials and new ways of usin
g old materials. For the artist this means wider opportunities. There is no doubt that the limitations of materials and nature of tools both restrict and shape a man's work. Observe how the development of plastics and light metals along with new methods of welding has changed the direction of sculpture. Transparent plastic materials allow one to look through an object, to see its various sides superimposed on each other (as in Cubism or in an X-ray). Today, welding is as prevalent as casting was in the past. This new method encourages open designs, where surrounding and intervening space becomes as important as form. itself.

More ambiguous than other scientific inventions familiar to modern artists, but no less influential, are the psychoanalytic studies of Freud and his followers, discoveries that have infiltrated recent art, especially Surrealism. The Surrealists, in their struggle to escape the monotony and frustrations of everyday life, claimed that dreams were the only hope. Turning to the irrational world of their unconscious, they banished all time barriers and moral judgements to combine disconnected dream experiences from the past, present and intervening psychological states. The Surrealists were concerned with overlapping emotions more than with overlapping forms. Their paintings often become segmented capsules of associative experiences. For them, obsessive and often unrelated images replaced the direct emotional message of expressionism. They did not need to smash paint and canvas; they went beyond this to smash the whole continuity of logical thought.

There is little doubt that contemporary art has taken much from contemporary life. In a period when science has made revolutionary strides, artists in their studios have not been unaware of scientists in their laboratories. But this has rarely been a one-way street. Painters and sculptors, though admittedly influenced by modern science, have also molded and changed our world. If break-up has been a vital part of their expression, it has not always been a symbol of destruction. Quite the contrary: it has been used to examine more fully, to penetrate more deeply, to analyze more thoroughly, to enlarge, isolate and make more familiar certain aspects of life that earlier we were apt to neglect. In addition, it sometimes provides rich multiple experiences so organized as not merely to reflect our world, but in fact to interpret it.

According to the 'passage, it is true that ______.

A.artistic creations seem to be the reproductions of modern technology

B.artistic creations have made great strides scientifically

C.artistic creations appear to be incapable of ignoring material advances

D.artistic creations are the reflection of the material world

Nowadays, a standard for measuring power has changed. These changes foretell a new standar
d for measuring power. No longer will a nation's political influence be based solely on the strength of its military forces. Of course, military effectiveness will remain a primary measure of power. But political influence is also closely tied to industrial competitiveness. It's often said that without its military the Soviet Union would really be a third-world nation. The new standard of power and influence that is evolving now places more emphasis on the ability of a country to compete effectively in the economic markets of the world.

America must recognize this new course of events. Our success in shaping world events over the past 40 years has been the direct result of our ability to adapt technology and to take advantage of the capabilities of our people for the purpose of maintaining peace. Our industrial prowess(威力)over most of this period was unchallenged. It is ironic(有讽刺性的) that it is just this prowess that has enabled other countries to prosper and in turn to threaten our industrial leadership.

The competitiveness of America's industrial base is an issue bigger than the department of defense and is going to require the efforts of the major institutional forces in our society, government, industry, and education. That is not to say that the defense department will not be a strong force in the process. But we simply cannot be, nor should we be, looked upon by others as the savior(救星) of American industry.

Now a nation's political influence depends on______.

A.the strength of its military forces

B.its ability to compete in industry

C.economic markets

D.both A and B

Even today in the modem, developed world, surveys show that parents still prefer to have a
boy rather than a girl. One longstanding reason why boys have been【C1】______as a greater blessing has been that they are【C2】______to become better economic providers【C3】______their parents'old age. Yet it is time for parents to【C4】______again. Girls may now be a better investment.

Girls get better【C5】______at school than boys, and in most developed countries more women than men go to【C6】______. Women will thus be better【C7】______for the new jobs of the 21st century, in which brains【C8】______a lot more than physical strength. In Britain far more women than men are now【C9】______to become doctors. And women are more【C10】______to provide sound advice on investing their parents'nest egg. Surveys show that women consistently【C11】______higher financial returns than men do.

【C12】______, the increase in female employment in the rich world has been the main【C13】______force of growth in the past couple of decades. Those women have【C14】______more to global GDP growth than have either new technology or the new giants, China and India. Add the【C15】______of housework and child-rearing, and women probably account【C16】______just over half of the world output. It is【C17】______that women still get paid less and few【C18】______it to the top of companies, but,【C19】______prejudice fades over coming years, women will have great scope to【C20】______their productivity and in comes.






Man is a land animal, but he is also closely tied to the sea.Throughout history the se
a has served the needs of man.The sea has provided man with food and a convenient way to travel to many parts of the world.Today, experts believe that nearly two-thirds of the world’s population live within eighty kilometers of the seacoast.

In the modern technology world, the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive.Resources on land are beginning to grow less.The sea, however, still offers hope to supply many of man’s needs in the future.

The riches of the sea yet to be developed by man’s technology are impressive.Oil and gas explorations have existed for nearly thirty years.Valuable amounts of minerals such as iron, copper and so on exist on the ocean floor.

Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new sources of energy.For example, warm temperature of the ocean can be used as the steam in a steamship.Sea may also offer a source of energy as electricity for mankind.

Technology is enabling man to explore even deeper under the sea.It is obvious that the technology to harvest the sea continues to improve.By 2050, experts believe that the problems to explore the food,

minerals and energy resources of the sea will have been largely solved.

26.What is the proper title for the passage______

A.Needs of Man

B.Sea Harvest and Food

C.Sea and Sources of Energy

D.Sea Exploring Technology

27.It can be inferred from the passage that______

A.man hasn’t completely made use of the riches of the sea

B.technology for exploring the sea has been solved

C.harvesting rice in the sea will be made possible

D.in the near future man can live on the ocean floor

28.Why does the author mention a steamship______

A.To illustrate that man can make use of sources of energy from the sea

B.To show that a steamship is better than other kinds of ships

C.To argue that man should use steamships

D.To indicate that it is warmer in the ocean than on land

29.According to the author, technology is important because______

A.resources on land are running short in ten years

B.man can use it to explore the deeper sea

C.it is a lot of fun diving into the sea

D.ancient people used it to explore the sea

30.According to the author, when will the problems to explore the deeper sea largely be solved______

A.In the next generation

B.By the end of the 20th century

C.In the near future

D.By the middle of the 21st century

New Light in Internet ServiceA new internet serviceLooking for "The Fugitive?" Didn't get

New Light in Internet Service

A new internet service

Looking for "The Fugitive?" Didn't get enough "Eight Is Enough?" Would you like to "Welcome Back, Kotter" one more time?

Warner Brothers is preparing a major new Internet service that will let fans watch full episodes from more than 100 old television series. The service, called In2TV, will be free, supported by advertising, and will start early next year. More than 4 800 episodes will be made available online in the first year.

The benefit of the new technology

The move will give Warner a way to reap new advertising revenue from a huge trove of old programming that is not widely syndicated.

Programs on In2TV will have one to two minutes of commercials for each half-hour episode, compared with eight minutes in a standard broadcast. The Internet commercials cannot be skipped.

America Online, which is making a broad push into Internet video, will distribute the service on its Web portal. Both it and Warner Brothers are Time Warner units. An enhanced version of the service will use peer-to-peer file-sharing technol0gy to get the video data to viewers.

Warner, with 800 television programs in its library, says it is the largest TV syndicator. It wants to use the Internet to reach viewers rather than depend on the whims of cable networks and local TV stations, said Eric Frankel, the president of Warner Brothers' domestic cable distribution division.

"We looked at the rise of broadband on Internet and said, 'Let's try to be the first to create a network that opens a new window of distribution for us rather than having to go hat in hand to a USA or a Nick at Night or a TBS,'" Mr. Frankel said.

Warner's offering comes at a time when television producers and networks are exploring new ways to use digital technology to distribute programs.

The Competition among different distributors

Many of the recent moves include charging viewers for current programs. ABC has started selling episodes of some programs to download to Apple Pods for $1.99. And NBC and CBS announced last week that they would sell reruns of their top new shows for 99 cents an episode through video-on-demand services. CBS is working with Comcast and NBC with DirecTV. The CBS programs to be sold on Comcast include commercials, but viewers can skip them. The NBC programs on DirecTV and the ABC programs from Apple have no commercials.

Of the media companies' new experiments, Peter Storck, president of the Points North Group, a research firm, remarked, "They are saying let's take the plunge, put the content out there, and figure out how to monetize it." Programs on In2TV will range from recently canceled series like "La Femme Nikita' to vintage shows like "Maverick" from the early 1960's . Other series that will be available include "Chico and the Man," "Wonder Woman" and "Babylon 5."

"The company will offer a changing selection of several hundred episodes each month, rather than providing continuous access to all the episodes in a series," Mr. Frankel said, "so as not to cannibalize (拆分) potential DVD sales of old TV shows."

"And in the future, when Warner negotiates with cable networks to syndicate popular programs," Mr. Frankel-said, "the price will be higher if the network wants it kept off the Internet."

For AOL, the In2TV deal is part of a broad strategy to create a range of video offerings to attract people to its free AOL. com portal. It already offers some video news and sports programs from CBS News, ABC and CNN.

At the same time, it is creating programming aimed at women and young people, including an online reality series called "The Biz," giving contestants the chance to become a music producer, in conjunction with the Warner Music Group (which is no longer owned by Time Warner).

Next month AOL




Robert J.Oppenheimer was a famous American physicist, who directed the【1】of the first atom

Robert J. Oppenheimer was a famous American physicist, who directed the【1】of the first atomic bombs.

Oppenheimer was born in New York City on April 22, 1904, and was educated at Harvard University and the universities of Cambridge. After【2】the International Education Board from 1928 to 1929, he became a professor of physics at the University of California and the California Institute of Technology, where he built up large【3】of theoretical physics. He was noted for his contributions【4】to the theory of relativity, cosmic rays, and neutron stars.

From 1943 to 1945 , Oppenheimer served as director of the atomic bomb project at Los Alamos, New Mexico. His leadership and organizational skills【5】him the Presidential Medal of Merit in 1946. In 1947 he became director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, serving there【6】the year before his death. He was also chairman of the General Advisory Committee of the Atomic Energy Commission from 1947 to 1952 and served【7】as an adviser. In 1954, however, he was suspended from this position【8】his past association with Communists. This action【9】the political atmosphere of the time, as well as the dislike of some politicians and military【10】for Oppenheimer's opposition to development of the hydrogen bomb and his【11】of arms control. His【12】was not really in doubt.【13】, efforts were made to clear his name, and in 1963 the AEC【14】him its highest honor, the Enrico Fermi Award. Oppenheimer【15】his final years to study of the relationship between science and society. He died in Princeton on February 18, 1967.






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