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How will the woman pay? ()。

A.By credit card

B.By cash

C.By check

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更多“How will the woman pay? ()。”相关的问题
A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things are so ha
rd for her.()


What are the differences between men and women toward physical appearance?()
A、How the two sexes perceive their own looks

B、What factors cause the difference

C、How much care they pay to the details of appearance

D、It’s easy for a man to answer a woman’s question of how she looks

31A project team member submits a suggestion on how to improve the corporate procurement p

31 A project team member submits a suggestion on how to improve the corporate procurement process. This is an example of _____ communication

A. upward

B. downward

C. horizontal

D. diagonal

E. None of the above

Coco Chanel, a French woman, is very famous for her success in the fashion world. The
life of Coco Chanel is a classic rags-to-riches story. Born in 1883, she was abandoned by her father after her mother died. She was raised by her aunts who taught her to sew and gave her the nickname Coco, which means "little pet".

Starting out as a hat designer, Coco went against the fancy hats being worn at the time. "How can a brain function under those things," she wondered. Instead, she created simple, but beautiful designs which became popular with fashionable young women of Paris.

Strangely enough, World War I gave her the chance to develop her idea of simple elegance from hats to clothing. Due to the shortage of material during the war, she took the opportunity to show that less can truly be more, introducing turtle-neck(叠领)sweater and pants for women.

In 1923, Coco launched her line of perfumes. "A woman who does not wear perfume has no future!" she said, and women believed her. Since its first appearance, Chanel No. 5 has been the world's most popular perfume, with another bottle being sold every 30 seconds. And Coco herself inspired generations of women designers and businesswomen to pursue their dreams.

1、The world famous brand "Chanel" is named after ________ .

A.a little animal

B.a hat company

C.the nickname of a French woman

D.the surname of a French girl

2、Coco had her hats ________ those of her time at the beginning of her designing.

A.fancier than

B.different from

C.similar to

D.more expensive than

3、According to the passage, Chanel's designs can be best described as ________ .



C.simple and elegant

D.A and C

4、The launch of Chanel perfumes is based on the belief that _________ .

A.a woman who does not wear perfume has no future

B.it will be the world's most popular perfume

C.it will be sold every 30 seconds

D.women are fond of all kinds of perfumes

5、Coco Chanel's success story tells us that ________ .

A.becoming rich is not so difficult

B.women are more likely to succeed

C.people can pursue their dreams

D.the poor are more likely to succeed

It was a chilly November evening in New York City, and my daughter and I were walking
up Broadway.Nora noticed a guy sitting inside a cardboard box next to a newsstand.She pulled at my coat sleeve and said, “That man's cold, Daddy.Can we take him home?”

I don't remember my reply, but I do remember a sudden heavy feeling inside me.I had always been delighted at how much my daughter noticed in her world, whether it was birds in flight or children playing.But now she was noticing suffering and poverty.She wasn't even four.

A few days later, I saw an article in the newspaper about volunteers who delivered meals to elderly people.The volunteers went to a nearby school on a Sunday morning, picked up a food package, and delivered it to an elderly person.I signed us up.Nora was excited about it.She could understand the importance of food, so she could easily see how valuable our job was.When Sunday came, we picked up the package and phoned the elderly person we'd been assigned.She invited us right over.

The building was depressing.When the door opened, facing us was a silver-haired woman in an old dress.She took the package and asked if we would like to come in.Nora ran inside.I reluctantly followed.Our hostess showed us some photos of her family.Nora played and laughed.I accepted a second cup of tea.When it came time to say good-bye, we three stood in the doorway and hugged.I walked home in tears.

Where else but as volunteers do you have the opportunity to do something enjoyable that's good for yourself as well as for others? Indeed, the poverty my daughter and I helped lessen that Sunday afternoon was not the woman's alone — it was in our lives, too.Now Nora and I regularly serve meals to needy people and collect clothes for the homeless.Yet, as I've watched her grow over these past four years, I still wonder — which of us has benefited more?

26.The man Nora noticed on that evening was probably ______.

A.asking for food

B.one of those homeless

C.taken home by the author

D.buying a newspaper

27.The author had a sudden heavy feeling (Para.2), because ______.

A.his daughter had noticed the dark side of life

B.he did not want to take the guy home

C.he felt a deep sympathy for the guy

D.his daughter was afraid of what she saw

28.Their volunteer job was to ______.

A.visit poor homes

B.serve meals at a nearby school

C.pick up packages for poor, elderly people

D.deliver food to needy, elderly people

29.The word “us” in the last paragraph refers to ______ .

A.the author and the old woman

B.the giver and receiver of the help

C.the author and his daughter

D.the author and the guy in the box

30.The best title for this passage might be “______.”

A.A Loving Kid

B.A Lesson in Caring

C.Volunteers at Work

D.How to Help the Needy

Passage 2 Questions 1to 5 are based on the following passage:Sometimes a book can help c

Passage 2 Questions 1to 5 are based on the following passage:

Sometimes a book can help change history. One book that certainly did was Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was a book that spoke out against slavery.

As Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote her book, there were over3.5 million slaves in the United States. Slaves were usually in the cotton-growing states of the South. The Northern States has ended slavery. Yet most northerners were not strongly against slavery. They did not mind that slavery continued in the South.

Stowe decided to make people understand that slavery was very bad. Each night after putting r six children to bed, she worked on her book. She told the owner. She also told how the slaves tried to run away for freedom. Uncle Tom’s Cabin first came in 1852. Over 300,000 books were sold out in a year.

People had different ideas about the book. In the North, many people finally believed that slavery must be ended after they read the book. In the South, many people were very angry at the people in the North. By 1861 the two parts of the country were at war. The Civil War, which lasted until of cease, was made to happen by many things. Yet Uncle Tom’s Cabin surely played a part. Stowe met President Linclon in 1862. As Linclon took her hand, he said, “So you are the woman who starred the big war.”

1、Before Uncle Tom’s Cabin came out, most Northerners ______.

A、were slaves in the South

B、did not know how bad slavery was

C、kept slaves in their homes

D、understood that slavery was wrong

2、While many Northerners agreed with Harriet Beacher Stowe,______.

A、many southerners wanted war

B、many southerners had not read the boo

C、many southerners were angry at her

D、some slaves tried to run away from North

3、From the text, we can infer that _______.

A、Stowe was a very young woman

B、Stowe’s husband was dead when she wrote the story

C、Stowe wrote her book with stories from her six children

D、Stowe could not work on her book at all during the daytime

4、Uncle Tom’s Cabin was _______.

A、a book about Harriet Beecher Stowe

B、a history book

C、a book that helped change history

D、a book about the American Civil war

5、Harriet Beecher Stowe _______.

A、was a little woman who started the American Civil War together with Abraham Linclon

B、was strongly against the slavery

C、helped some slaves to run away from the South

D、met Abraham Lincoln before the Civil War

Television is the most effective brainwashing medium ever invented by man.Advertisers kn
ow this to be ().Children are affected by television in () we scarcely understand.

In the fall of 1971, I was () a story involving a young white woman living on the fringe (边缘) of Boston’s black ghetto.Her car had () out of gas.She had gone to a filling station () a can and was returning to her car when she was () in an alley by a gang of black youths.The gang () gasoline over her and set fire to her.She died () her burns.It was later established () some of the youths involved had, on the night before the killing, () on television a rerun of an old movie in which a drifter (流浪汉) is () on fire by an adolescent gang.There is some kind of strange reductive process (还原过程) at work here.To see something on television robs it () its reality, and then when the same thing is () out it is like the reenactment (重演) of something unreal.

() other words when the gang set fire to the girl, they were imitating () they had seen on a screen, as if they themselves were on a screen, and in a ().I don’t think we have () begun to realize how powerful a(n) () television is.It has already () very clear that the candidate with the most television () wins the election.






















To get a sense of how women have progressed in science take a quick tour of the physics department at the University ofCalifornia,Berkeley.This is a storied place the 36 of some of the most important discoveries in modern science-starting withErnest Lawrence' s invention of the cvclotron(回旋加速器)in 1931.

A、 generation ago female faces were 37 and,even today,visitors walking through the first floor of LeConte Hall will See a full corridor of exhibits 38 the many distinguished physicists who made history here, 39 all of there white malesBut climb up to the third floor and you' II see a 40 display.There,among the photos of current facnlty members and students are portraits of the 41 head of the department,Marjorie Shapiro and four other women whose reseaich 42 everything from the mecheanics of the universe to the smallest particles of matter.

A、sixth woman was hired just two weeks ago.Although they' re Still only about 10 percent of the physics faculty,women are clearly a presence here.And the real 43 may be in the smaller photos to the right graduate and undergraduate students about 20 percent of them female.Every yearsBerkeley sends its fresh female physics PhDs to the country' S top universities.That makes Shapiro optimistic but also 44 "I believe things are getting bette "she says "but they' re not getting better as 45as i would like."












In Example 9. 1 (page 290), we calculated the gains and losses from price controls on natural gas and found that there was a deadweight loss of $ 5.68 billion. This calculation was based on a price of oil of $50 per barrel.

a. If the price of oil were $ 60 per barrel,what would be the free - market price of gas? How large a deadweight loss would result if the maximum allowable price of natural gas were $3. 00 per thousand cubic feet?

b. What price of oil would yield a free - market price of natural gas of $3. 00?






In 1983, the Reagan Administration introduced a new agricultural program called the Payment-in-Kind Program. To see how the program worked, let' s consider the wheat market.

a. Suppose the demand function is QD=28-2P and the supply function is QS=4+4P, where P is the price of wheat in dollars per bushel and Q is the quantity in billions of bushels. Find the free-market equilibrium price and quantity.

b. Now suppose the government wants to lower the supply of wheat by 25 percent from the free-market equilibrium by paying farmers to withdraw land from production. However, the payment is made in wheat rather than in dollars- hence the name of the program. The wheal comes from the government ' s vast reserves that resulted from previous price support programs. The amount of wheal paid is equal to the amount that could have been harvested on the land withdrawn from production. Farmers. are free to sell this wheat on the market. How much is now produced by farmers? How much is indirectly supplied to the market by the government? What is the new market price? How much do the farmers gain? Do consumers gain or lose?

c. Had the government not given the wheat back to the farmers, it would have stored or destroyed i. Do taxpayers gain from the program? What potential problems does the program create?

Psychological research has focused on a number of basic principles that help memory:m
eaningfulness, organization, association, and visualization.It is useful to know how there principles work.

Meaningfulness affects memory at all levels.Information that does not make any sense to you is difficult to remember.There are several ways in which we can make material more meaningful.Many people, for instance, learn a rhyme to help them remember.Do you know the rhyme "Thirty days has September, April, June, and November..."? It helps many people remember which months of the year have 30 day s.

Organization also makes a difference in our ability to remember.How useful would a library be if the books were kept in random order? Material that is organized is better remembered than jumbled information.One example of organization is chunking.C hunking consists of grouping separate bits of information.For example, the number 4671363 is more easily remembered if it is chunked as 467, 13, 63.Categorizing is another means of organization.Suppose you are asked to remember the following list of wor ds: man, bench, dog, desk, woman, horse, child, cat, chair.Many people will group the words into similar categories and remember them as follows: man, woman, child; cat, dog, horse; bench, chair, desk.Needless to say, the second list can be remembered mo re easily than the first one.

Association refers to taking the material we want to remember and relating it to something we remember accurately.In memorizing a number, you might try to associate it with familiar numbers or events.For example, the heigh t of Mount Fuji in Japan -12,389 feet -might be remembered using the following associations: 12 is the number of months in the year, and 389 is the number of days in a year (365) added to the number of months twice (24).

The last principle is visualizati on.Research has shown striking improvements in many types of memory tasks when people are asked to visualize the items to be remembered.In one study, subjects in one group were asked to learn some words using imagery, while the second group used repetiti on to learn the words.Those using imagery remembered 80 to 90 percent of the words, compared with 30 to 40 percent of the words for those who memorized by repetition.Thus forming an integrated image with all the information placed in a single mental pict ure can help us to preserve a memory.

1.What kind of information is easy for us to remember?()

A.Information that does not make any sense to us

B.Information that we are not familiar with

C.Information that is meaningful to us

D.Information that we are not interested in

2.Which of the following pairs are rhymes?()





3.The second list of words in para.3 is organized according to().

A.the rhyme

B.the word category

C.th e first letters of words

D.the meanings

4.Books are kept in a library().

A.according to their size

B.in random order

C.in a jumbled way

D.in different categories

5.What method can better help form. a whole mental picture about the ti ngs to be remembered?()





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