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Passage Four:Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.For any given task in B

ritain there are more men than are needed. Strong unions keep them there in Fleet Street, home of some London’s biggest dailies, it is understood that when two unions quarrel over three jobs, the argument is settled by giving each union two. That means 33 per cent overmanning, 33 per cent less productivity than could be obtained.

A reporter who has visited plants throughout Europe has an impression that the pace of work is much slower here. Nobody tries too hard. Tea breaks do matter and are frequent. It is hard to measure intensity of work, but Britons give a distinct impression of going at their tasks in a more leisurely way.

But is all this so terrible? It certainly does not improve the gross national product or output per worker. Those observant visitors, however, have noticed something else about Britain. It is a pleasant place.

Street crowds in Stockholm. Paris and New York move quickly and silently heads down, all in a hurry. London crowds tend to walk at an easy pace (except in the profitable, efficient City, the financial district).

Every stranger is struck by the patient and orderly way in which Britons queue for a bus: if the saleswoman is slow and out of stock she will likely say, ‘oh dear, what a pity’; the rubbish collectors stop to chat (聊天) and call the housewives “Luv.” Crime rises here as in every city but there still remains a gentle tone and temper that is unmatched in Berlin, Milan or Detroit.

In short, what is wrong with Britain may also be what is right. Having reached a tolerable standard, Britons appear to be choosing leisure over goods.

第36题:What happens when disputes over job opportunities arise among British unions?

A) Thirty three per cent of the workers will be out of work.

B) More people will be employed than necessary.

C) More jobs will be created by the government.

D) The unions will try to increase productivity.

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更多“Passage Four:Questions 36 to 4…”相关的问题
Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questio
ns or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage 1

Questions I to 5 are based on the following passage:

After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. (76) The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.

There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other.

Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyelids are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.

(77) If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing very slowly and very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep!

1. A good title for this passage is .

A. Sleep

B. Good

C. Dreams

D. Work and Rest

Because we can feel that things are heavy, we think of weight as being a fixed quality in
an object, but it is not really fixed at all. If you could take a one pound packet of butter 4,000 miles out from the earth, it would weigh only a quarter of a pound.

Why would things weigh only a quarter as much as they do at the surface of the earth if we took them 4,000 miles out into space? The reason is this: All objects have a natural attraction for all other objects; this is called gravitational attraction, but this power of attraction between two objects gets weaker as they get farther apart. When the butter was at the surface of the earth, it was 4,000 miles from the center (in other words the radius[半径] of the earth is 4,000 miles). When we took the butter 4,000 miles out, it was 8,000 miles from the center, which is twice the distance.

If you double the distance between two objects, their gravitational attraction decreases (减少) two times two. If you treble (成三倍) the distance, it gets nine times weaker (three times three). If you take it four times as far away, it gets sixteen times weaker (four times four ) and so on.

The best title for this passage is______.

A.The Earth Weight

B.Weight in Space

C.Changing Weight on the Earth

D.Weight on and off the Earth

Elvis Aron Presley,was often called “the king of rock music”,died on August 16th,1977,at the age of forty-two.He left a great influence on popular music,and millions of fans.During his lifetime,Elvis sold more than four hundred million records.After Presley died,many of his records rose quickly.When Presley died,many mourners journeyed to Memphis,Tennessee,Presley’s home,to pay their last respects.While most of these fans knew a lot about the songs of Elvis,few of them knew the story of how Elvis had his first record which was for his mother.He paid four dollars to a small Memphis recording shop,and recorded two songs.The songs were “My Happiness” and “That’s Where Your Heartaches Begin”.Sam Philips,who owned the shop where Elvis made the record,liked Presley’s songs.He said he would call him some day.About a year later,Philips did call and ask him to cut a record.This first record had “Blue Moon of Kentucky”on one side,and “That’s All Right,Mama”on the other.1.The passage is mainly about how Elvis Presley began his career.A、T B、F 2.Mourners are usually record-producers.A、T B、F 3.Without the record for his mother,Elvis might not have become a star.A、T B、F 4.When Presley died,people went to Memphis for his mother’s story of life.A、T B、F 5.The passage shows that many people loved Elvis.A、T B、F
阅读:The oldest and simplest method, then of describing differences in personality was to classify

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

The oldest and simplest method, then of describing differences in personality was to classify people according to types, and such a system is called a Typology. A famous example of this method was set forth in Greece about the year 400 BC.A physician named Hippocrates theorized that there were four fluids, or humors, in the body. Corresponding to each humor, he believed, there existed a definite type of personality.

The four humors were blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. A person in whom all four humors were in perfect balance had a harmonious personality. If a person had too much blood, he was called sanguine(血红色), or cheerful and optimistic. Someone with too much yellow bile was choleric, or irritable and easily angered. Too much black bile made a person melancholy, or depressed and pessimistic. An oversupply of phlegm caused a human being to be phlegmatic, or slow and unfeeling. Scientists have long since discarded Hippocrates’ fluid theory. But the names of the humors, corresponding to these temperaments, have survived and are still useful, to some extent, in describing personality.

Other features of people, such as their faces and physics, have also been used to classify personality. Today, however, personality theories and classifications may also include factors such as heredity(遗传特征), the environment, intelligence , and emotional needs. Psychology, biology, and sociology are involved in these theories. Because of the complexity of human personality, present day theories are often very different from one another. Psychologists vary in their ideas about what is most important in determining personality.

36.According to Hippocrates’ fluid theory, a man with too much phlegm will be ____.

A.optimistic B.easily angered C.unexcitable D.pessimistic

37.The main idea of this passage is about ____.

A.the complicated factors in determining one’s personality

B.Hippocrates’ fluid theory and its development

C.the past and today of personality classifications and theories

D.different personalities and their details

38.At present, psychologists ____.

A.have common opinion about personality theories and classifications

B.use biology, archaeology and sociology to study personality theories

C.have abandoned Hippocrates’ fluid theory entirely

D.all agree that human beings are characterized with complex personalities

39.The third paragraph mainly talks about ____.

A.Hippocrates’ fluid theory

B.scientists’ points of view on Hippocrutes’ fluid theory

C.Hippocrates’ fluid theory and its fate

D.defects in Hippocrates’ fluid theory

40.According to this passage the factors which are still NOT used to clas sify personality are ____.

A.one’s born features and needs of love and success

B.one’s height and weight

C.one’s hobbies and ideals

D.the environment and intelligence

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Boys and girls, never forget that you educate yourselves. Schools, books and teachers are helps, but you have to do the work. Only by persevering, industrious efforts can you become well educated.

There are two objects in education: first, to develop yourself; second, to gain knowledge. To develop yourself is to strengthen and cultivate your whole being; to improve your memory and reasoning powers; to learn to think and judge correctly; in short, to have your mind grow, so that you will be better able to do your work in life.

You develop yourself by acquiring an education, thinking about, and using it; for education is the food to make your mind grow. To gain knowledge is to learn tacts and methods which will be of use to you in life.

There are four sources from which to derive education; from your own observation, from your experience, from the conversation of others, and from study. You can learn much without books and teachers.

When you visit a manufactory, examine the machinery; try to learn how the power applied at one point moves levers and wheels until it reaches the part that does the work. Wherever work is going on, be sure to learn how it is done. Study into causes and results. The steam engine came from the boy Watt's watching a boiling teakettle, and thinking about it.

Listen to conversation, you can learn something useful from every one. Every one can teach the best-educated man something. Ask people to tell you of what they have seen and known. Never be ashamed to ask about what you do not understand. A learned man was asked how he had acquired such a vast amount of knowledge. "By asking information of every one," he answered.

To educate yourself, you must read, study, observe, reflect, reason, and think. Keep your eyes open, and your mind at work.

The most appropriate title for this passage would be ______.


B.Objects in Education

C.Ways of Developing Oneself

D.Sources of Receiving Education


The Olympic Games originated in 776 B.C. in Olympia, a small town in Greece. Participants in the first Olympiad are said to have run a 200-yard race, but as the Games were held every four years, they expanded in scope. Only Greek amateurs were allowed to participate in this festival in honor of the god Zeus. The event became a religious, patriotic, and athletic occasion where winners were honored with wreaths and special privileges. They were banned in 394 A.D. by Emperor Theodosius, after they became professional circuses and carnivals.

The modern Olympic Games began in Athens in 1896 as a result of the initiative of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French educator whose desire was to promote international understanding through athletics. Nine nations participated in the first Games; over 100 nations currently compete.

The taint of politics and racial controversy, however, has impinged upon the Olympic Games in our epoch. In 1936 Hitler, whose country hosted the Games, affronted Jesse Owens, a black American runner, by refusing to congratulate Owens for the feat of having won four gold medals. In the 1972 Munich Games, the world was appalled by the deplorable murder of eleven Israeli athletes by Arab terrorists, The next Olympic Games in Montreal were boycotted by African nations; in addition, Taiwan Province withdrew. In 1980, following the former Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, sixty-two nations caused great dismay to their athletes by refusing to participate in the Games. The consensus among those nations was that their refusal would admonish the Soviets.

According to the passage, the first Olympic games were held ().

A.as a religious festival

B.for political reasons

C.as an international competition

D.as a professional athletes' competition

Taste is such a subjective matter that we don't usually conduct preference tests f
or food. The most you can say about anyone's preference, is that it's one person's opinion. But because the two big cola (可乐饮料) companies-Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola are marketed so aggressively, we've wondered how big a role taste preference actually plays in brand loyalty. We set up a taste test that challenged people who identified themselves as either Coca-Cola or Pepsi fans: Find your brand in a blind tasting.

We invited staff volunteers who had a strong liking for either Coca-Cola Classic (传统型) or Pepsi, Diet (低糖的) Coke, or Diet Pepsi. These were people who thought they'd have no trouble tellingtheir brand from the other brand.

We eventually located 19 regular cola drinkers and 27 diet cola drinkers. Then we fed them four unidentified samples of cola one at a time, regular colas for the one group, diet versions for the other. We asked them to tell us whether each sample was Coke or Pepsi; then we analyzed the records statistically to compare the participants' choices with what mere guess-work could have accomplished.

Getting all four samples right was a tough test, but not too tough, we thought, for people who believed they could recognize their brand. In the end, only 7 out of 19 regular cola drinkers correctly identified their brand of choice in all four trials. The diet-cola drinkers did a little worse-only 7 to 27 identified all four samples correctly.

While both groups did better than chance would predict, nearly half the participants in each group made the wrong choice two or more times.Two people got all four samples wrong. Overall, half the participants did about as well on the last round of tasting as on the first, so fatigue, or taste burnout, was not a factor. Our preference test results suggest that only a few Pepsi participants and Coke fans may really be able to tell their favorite brand by taste and price.

71.According to the passage the preference test was conducted in order to _______.

A.find out the role taste preference plays in a person's drinking

B.reveal which cola is more to the liking of the drinkers

C.show that a person's opinion about taste is mere guess-work

D.compare the ability of the participants in choosing their drinks

72.The statistics recorded in the preference tests show _____.

A.Coca-Cola and Pepsi are people's two most favorite drinks

B.there is not much difference in taste between Coca-Cola and Pepsi

C.few people had trouble telling Coca-Cola from Pepsi

D.people's tastes differ from one another

73.It is implied in the first paragraph that ______.

A.the purpose of taste tests is to promote the sale of colas

B.the improvement of quality is the chief concern of the two cola companies

C.the competition between the two colas is very strong

D.blind tasting is necessary for identifying fans

74.The word "burnout" (Line 4, Para. 5) here refers to the state of _____.

A.being seriously burnt in the skin

B.being unable to burn for lack of fuel

C.being badly damaged by fire

D.being unable to function because of excessive use

75.The author's purpose in writing this passage is to ______.

A.show that taste preference is highly subjective

B.argue that taste testing is an important marketing strategy

C.emphasize that taste and price are closely related to each other

D.recommend that blind tasting be introduced in the quality control of colas

You may get consumers who want very high quality services satisfied, but at a higher
price. And the people who want no-frills service and cheap product will also get it at the other end of the market. So competition allows a range of variety to occur in a market. The benefit to society of competition is that it makes a major contribution to the fundamental economic issue, which is the scarcity of productive resources. It means that on the production side, there is maximum pressure to conserve the use of those scarce productive resources. On the demand side it also rations consumer demand appropriately, and it also tends to mean that the variety of consumer needs can be met.

1. From the first paragraph of the passage we can know that usually there are ()kinds of consumers who may get satisfied in a market.

A. two

B. three

C. four

2. What does “it” in the first sentence of paragraph 2 refer to()

A. fundamental economic issue

B. the scarcity of productive resources

C. The benefit of competition

3. The sentence in paragraph 1“So competition allows a range of variety to occur in a market” means ().

A. competition makes the market supply various products and services

B. competition makes a lot of things occur in a market

C. competition makes different things occur in a market

4. On the demand side competition also ()appropriately.

A. meets consumer needs

B. makes consumer rational

C. makes consumer satisfied

5. The best title of this passage is ().

A. Fundamental Economic Issue

B. The Benefit of Competition

C. Consumer Demand and Market

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Technology, entrepreneurship (创业能力) and innovations are keywords that sum up the new era.

The Internet is not just a technology, it is also about marketing. Companies which do not use the Net as a marketing tool will lose their competitiveness.

The function of information technology in marketing is more than just receiving orders on the Net. The Net offers a means of attracting clients by providing them information, something not possible in the past. It has changed the way of service and is more efficient and more capable of providing comprehensive customer service.

The Net has revolutionized the way companies are run. Electronic mail, for instance, has improved management efficiency tremendously. The traditional telephone conversations and face-to-face contacts could be easily interrupted and were inefficient. Now you need perhaps to spend just a couple of hours on e-mailing. Besides, it is now much easier to gather information to help make the right decision.

The New Economy has also led to the mushrooming of IT or Internet-related firms as though the mere setting up of such a company is a guarantee of high profits. This means businesses must have good human resource management practices so as not to lose talented employees.

Technology is a tool and a change in mindset (思想的形式) is required to do away with a hierarchical (等级的) system. This is related to entrepreneurship and innovations. What is needed are people who can think independently. A flat organization reduces the layers of management. This is absolutely fine if every worker is capable of thinking and working on his own. But there are many who feel insecure when they can no longer rely on others. They will have to learn new mode of thinking.

According to the passage, if a company wants to win in the market, it should ______.

A.carry out reform. policies

B.adopt advanced technology

C.compete with other enterprises

D.use the Internet as its marketing tool

The origins(起源) of baseball probably stretch back to 1839 when Abner Doubleday, a civil engineering student, laid out a diamond-shaped field at Cooperstown,

The origins(起源) of baseball probably stretch back to 1839 when Abner Doubleday, a civil engineering student, laid out a diamond-shaped field at Cooperstown, New York, and attempted to standardize(使标准化) the rules governing the playing of such games as town ball and four old cat, the ancestors(祖先) of baseball. By the end of the Civil War, interest in the game had grown rapidly. Over 200 teams or clubs existed, some of which toured the country playing rivals; they belonged to a national association of "Baseball Players" that had proclaimed(宣布) a set of standard rules. These teams were amateurs(业余爱好者) or semi-professionals, but as the game waxed in popularity, it offered opportunities for profit, and the first professional team, the Cincinnati Red Stockings, appeared in 1869. Other cities soon fielded professional teams, and in 1876 the present National League was organized chiefly by Albert Spalding. Soon a rival league appeared, the American Association. Competition between the two was intense, and in 1883 they played a post-season(季后赛) contest, the first "world's series". The American Association eventually collapsed, but in 1900 the American League was organized.

1. According to the passage, baseball originated in 1839 because ____.

A、Abner Doubleday invented a special diamond-shaped pitch

B、the rules of earlier games were amalgamated(合并) and regularized

C、civil engineering students became interested in playing games

D、the old games died out and a new one was needed

2. What was different about "Baseball Players" compared with earlier players?

A、They travelled widely.

B、They belonged to many clubs.

C、They played by agreed rules.

D、They were not professional.

3. According to the passage, the Cincinnati Red Stockings were formed in 1869 ____.

A、because baseball had become more popular by then

B、to enable the amateur players to become professional

C、so that the public had the opportunity to profit from a professional team

D、to produce a means of making money

4. From the passage, we understand that the National League was formed in 1876 to ____.

A、reorganize the professional teams

B、enable more professional teams to be set up

C、to provide a governing authority for baseball

D、authorize amateur and professional teams to combine

5. According to the passage, at the turn of the century the only remaining baseball organizations were ____.

A、the American League and the National League

B、the American League

C、the American Association and the American League

D、the American Association

阅读理解: 结合上下文内容补全填空。(共 50 分)

Mary, the 17-year-old daughter of a rich textile(纺织品) owner was freed(释放) by her kidnappers(绑匪) after 118 days. She said she spent most of the time in a tent in the woods (1) one foot tied to a tree. She was freed late on Friday (2) her family paid a total of

$1. 8 million, the largest ransom (赎金) ?ever?paid in Italy.

“I was treated (3) , ” the girl told the reporter during the interview, “Biscuits, cakes, often hot food and at times beef. ” She said her nearly four months in trouble was spent in a tent set up inawooded?area.

“I never saw their faces and (4) they spoke, they changed their voices in nasal tones (speaking through nose passage) on purpose , ” she said. “They kept repeating that the only thing they wanted was the money and that they didn' t want to have (5) to do with me or my family. ”

The high school student, who was seized by three face-covered and armed men on July 2, 1983 from her family' s country villa in Tuscany, said she still had no idea?where?exactly she had been held.

(1)A. with

B. and

C. although

(2) A. so

B. after

C. unless

(3) A. good

B. bad

C. well

(4)A. when

B. that

C. which

(5) A. nothing

B. something

C. anything

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