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—Hi, it's almost twelve.______ —Not very. But I would like to have something to d

A.______ —Not very. But I would like to have something to drink.

B.Are you hungry?

C.I do apologize to you for the delay

D.Please drop in any time you like

E.Would you like to have lunch with me?

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更多“—Hi, it's almost twelve.______…”相关的问题
--Hi, Molly, are you free this afternoon?-()。

A.Yeah, no plans yet.

B.Let's see something special.

C.That's a good ide


Hi, Tom, how's everthing with you?______________

A.Hm,not too bad

B.Don't mention it


Americans spend almost ()on Valentine’s Day.

A.$20 billion

B. $12 billion

C. $20 million

D. $12million





Complete the conversation. Choose from the answers (A-D).Rose: Hi, Jon. I see you're
Complete the conversation. Choose from the answers (A-D).Rose: Hi, Jon. I see you're

Complete the conversation. Choose from the answers (A-D).

Rose: Hi, Jon. I see you're working on our math homework.

Jon: I'm trying!

Rose: Well, I finished mine. I can help you.____, actually.

Jon: Maybe for you, but____

Rose: Yeah, I guess I am good at working with numbers in my head. You can use a calculator if you want.

Jon: That's a good idea. Now, I have to find it!


Jon: That would be great, Rose. I'll look in my bag. Can you look in my desk?

Rose: Sure. No problem.____

A、I'll give you a hand if you like.

B、It's really pretty simple

C、I'm not very good at things like that.

D、Let me show you.

Mary Johnson: Hello! Mr. Liu, nice to meet you again. This is my boss, Mr. Robert Lee,
the general () of our company. He will host the meeting this morning.

Liu Hua: How do you do? Mr. Lee. I'm Liu Hua from China Zhongtie Bridge Design Institute Co., Ltd.

Robert Lee: How do you do? Mr. Liu. It's my pleasure to have you here with us in this ().

Liu Hua: I'm glad to have this opportunity to exchange ideas with you.

Robert Lee: Mary, you know, she is my (). Let me introduce the other colleagues here to you. Hi! Bob, I'd like you to meet the famous bridge(), Mr. Liu Hua.

Bob: Oh, my God. I'm so excited to meet you. May I introduce myself to you?

Liu Hua: Sure.

Bob: My name is Bob Jefferson. I'm Manager of Design Section. This is Dave Peterson, Manager of ()Department. Hi, Dave! Come on in.

Dave: Excuse me. You must be Mr. Liu Hua from China?

Liu Hua: Yes, nice to meet you.

Dave: Nice to meet you too.

Mary: Hi, everyone, the meeting room is ready, let's go on through. This way, please.

Almost all of us grew up eating meat, going to zoos, and perhaps wearing leathers.Many

of us bought our beloved “pets”at pet shops or kept beautiful birds in cages.We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved.

People often ask if animals should have rights, and quite simply, the answer is “Yes!” Supporters of animal rights believe that animals have a value completely separate from their usefulness to humans.We believe that every creature with a will to live has a right to live free from pain and suffering.Animal rights is not just a philosophy-it is a social movement that challenges society’s traditional views that all animals exist solely for human use.

A nurse and her elderly uncle were waiting for a bus at a corner in downtown Chicago.
Buses came by, but not the one they wanted. The woman finally half-entered one of the buses and asked the driver if the bus she wanted stopped at that corner.The driver ignored her, so she repeated the question. Incredibly, he then closed the door -- on her arm -- and drove off.The woman, her arm stuck in the door, trotted alongside the bus, shouting. Passengers said the driver stopped after almost a block only because they, too, were shouting.When the driver finally did stop and opened the door, the woman jumped on the bus to get his badge number. Then he took off again and went another couple of blocks before other shouting passengers persuaded him to stop and let the woman off.After the driver's bosses at the Chicago Transit Authority--a tax-supported governmental body -- heard of the incident, they looked into it and set his punishment: a five-day suspension without pay. That struck me as rather light.But Bill Baxa, a CTA public-relations man, said, "That's a pretty harsh penalty. "

Five days off work is a harsh penalty for dragging a woman alongside a bus by her arm? Baxa said, "Any time you take money away from someone, it is a harsh punishment. The driver makes $14 an hour. Multiply that by 40 and you can see what he lost. "

Yes, that comes to $560, a tidy sum. But we know that people in the private sector are fired for far less every day. If the people who run the CTA think that the loss of a week's pay is more than enough, I offer them a sporting proposition: Give me a bus. Then have their wives stick their arms in the doorway of the bus, and I'll slam the door shut, stop the gas pedal and take them for a fast one-block jog. And I'll pay $560 to anyone who is bold enough to try it. Any takers? Mr. Baxa? Anybody? I didn't think so.

1.The nurse half-entered one of the buses because____.

A、the bus they wanted didn't stop there

B、she wanted the driver to stop the bus

C、she wanted to get some information from the driver

D、she and her uncle couldn't wait any longer at the corner

2.The reason why the woman trotted alongside the bus was that____.

A、she couldn't get herself away from the bus

B、the driver closed the door before she heard the answer

C、she was dragged by the bus driver

D、she wanted to get the driver's badge number

3.How many blocks was the woman away from the corner where she waited when the bus driver finally let her off? ____

A、Almost one block.

B、Almost two blocks.

C、Probably three blocks.

D、Probably five or six blocks.

4.The bus driver's punishment was____.

A、being dismissed from the CTA

B、being out of work for a week

C、paying a fine of $560

D、working without pay for five days

5.Why did the author offer a sporting proposition? ____

A、Because the CTA paid little attention to the incident.

B、Because the bus driver had not been fired.

C、Because he wanted to threaten the CTA people.

D、Because he thought the penalty was not a harsh on

BENEFITS OF VIDEO CONFERENCINGAlmost everyone is familiar with video conferencing today,


Almost everyone is familiar with video conferencing today, and for good reasons.Video conferencing is convenient. Video conferencing saves money. Video conferencing makes money. And it is so much easier than it used to be.

Today, of course, video conferencing has become an important means for doing business.There is no longer a need to waste time and money traveling, and the advanced technology can offer what every conferencing needs.Audio, web and video together can provide good solutions for large conferences with Q&A session sand private chats.

Why is video conferencing so successful when other technologies have come and gone? It is because it’s convenient and cost-effective. In addition to saving time and money, video conferencing is a lot less stressful than a meeting after a day of airport security, delayed flights and hotel check-in, etc.

Best of all, video conferencing is not expensive nowadays. Web, video and audio conferencing service providers can quickly get you up and running, often without setup fees or high charges. With all that’s available today, the only question is whether a business can afford not to use user-friendly video conferencing.

1、It's easy to use video conferencing in the past.()

2、Video conferencing is the best way for doing business.()

3、The success of video conferencing mainly lies in the development of technology.()

4、Compared to some other forms of meetings. video conferencing is much less stressful.()

5、Nowadays if you don't use video conferencing in some cases maybe your business will sufer losses to some degree.()

There is a business letter below. After reading it, you should give brief answers to t
he 5 questions (No.41 through No.45) that follow. The answevs (in not more than 3 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.

Gmail(Google Email)Notice

Subject: Your Gmail account has bean inactive for a long time

From “The Gmail Team”gmail-noreply@gmail,com

Time2008-06-26 14:12:15

To wanghaiyan@163.com

Hi there,

We’ve noticed that you haven’t used your Gmail account,wanghaiyan@ gmail.com,for quite some time.In order to make Gmail better for our users,we’ve added a lot of things in the last few months and we hope you’ll want to start using your account again.

Stop worrying about storage(存储量).Your account now has 5000 megabytes(兆字节)of free storage and our plan is to continue growing your storage by giving you more space as we are able.

The Gmail interface(界面)is now available in 12 languages.If you don’t see the language you want on this list.Look for it in the future because we’re going to keep adding more.

We’re still working hard every day to build for you the best email service around.But to keep Gmail great for our users.we may have to close inactive accounts after 9 months.So,we hope you’11 give us another chance.To log in(登录)to your Gmail account,just visit:http://gmail,google,com.


The Gmail Team

41.Why does the Gmail Team write to the Gmail user?

Because the user hasn’t used his/her Gmail_______for quite some time.

42.What kind of storage the user’s account now has?

It now has 5,000 megabytes of_________________________storage.

43.How many languages are available in the Gmail interface now?


44.What may happen to the user’s account if it is inactive for 9 months?

The Gmail team may have to_______________the user’s account.

45.What is the purpose of the Gmail team in sending this email?

They hope the user will______________the account.

Why do Westerners love their pets so much, almost as if they were their children? I su
Why do Westerners love their pets so much, almost as if they were their children? I suppose one reason is that for more than one hundred years many children's books in England and in America were animal stories.By this we mean stories that gave the animals human names, human voices, human emotions, and even faces that look almost human.Many of these stories taught a moral lesson, like honesty or kindness or hard work.My mother read animal stories to me as a child, and my wife and I read some of the same animal stories to my boys when they were small, and now they read animal stories to their children.Some are the same stories about dogs and cats and rabbits and horses.So children in America grow up with good feelings toward animals. Many families would like to have a purebred dog or cat, that is an animal whose parents come from a single kind of animal.But purebred animals are expensive.And those that are registered with a special dog or cat club are even more expensive since there is a written record of their ancestors for many generations.What often happens is that a family's first pet will come from some friend whose pet has had babies.Or they may get a pet from an animal shelter.Every city and many smaller towns have a humane society which cares for animals that are found and for animals which people no longer want.They try to find the owner of lost pets and to find homes for the others.Over the years my wife and I and our children have gotten some very nice dogs for our family from animal shelters, usually at no cost.

But some families do not want a house dog or a house cat.They want an outside dog or cat.So the animal stays outsides the house most of the time.Special dog houses are made for such dogs to use, especially at night in the colder parts of North America.

1.Why do Western people love their pets so much? ()

A.Because their children don't have many friends.

B.Because they have leisure time and enough money.

C.Because they are influenced by animal stories.

D.Because they regard pets as their children.

2.Since they have heard a lot of animal stories, American children tend to () .

A.love animals when they grow up

B.treat animals rudely

C.live with animals

D.dislike animals

3.A purebred dog refers to a dog()

A.which is brought up by one family

B.whose parents come from the same area

C.whose parents belong to the single kind of dog

D.which is bred in a pure house

4.How do most Americans get their first pet? ()

A.They buy it from a pet shop

B.They pick up one from the street

C.They always get one from the animal shelter

D.They get it from their friends

5.Not all pets stay with their masters in the house all the time for().

A.it's good for them to stay outside

B.people think they are dirty

C.Some people don't want a house dog or a house cat

D.they don't like to stay in their masters' house

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