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How much interest per year does the bank currently pay?A.2.5 percent.B.4 percent.C.7 perce

How much interest per year does the bank currently pay?

A.2.5 percent.

B.4 percent.

C.7 percent.

D.It's hard to say.

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Boston Company, an electing S corporation, has an operating loss of $400,000 for the c
urrent year. Hank owns a 40% interest in the company and is a material participant. At the beginning of the year, Hank's adjusted basis in the stock is $30,000. During the year the company borrows $100,000 with a recourse note. How much of the loss can Hank deduct on his current-year income tax return?()






阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。Mary JohnsonA、Good morning, Mr. Liu


Mary JohnsonA、Good morning, Mr. Liu! How good to see you! Have you had a nice journey?

Liu Hua:_____

Mary:May I introduce an old friend of mine to you? Tony Smith is an architect and has a special interest in bridge design.


Liu Hua:How do you do? Mr. Smith. Nice to meet you.

Tony:Nice to see you, too. I know, you are the design leader of the Island & Tunnel Project of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. It’s my honor to meet you here.

Liu Hua: _____

Tony:It is said that the bridge is the longest cross-sea bridge in the world. How long is it?

LiuHua:Sure. You know, this bridge connects Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau. It has a total length of 49.968 km, of which 35.578 km will be built over the sea.


Mary:It sounds fantastic. I also want to see it when it’s finished.

LiuHua:No problem, you are welcome!

Mary:Now we’ll send you to the hotel and you can take a rest there. We’ll have a meeting on bridge design tomorrow morning.

Liu Hua:_____

Tony:You’re welcome.

A. How do you do? Mr. Liu.

B. That’s great! I hope someday I can witness such a miracle!

C. Thank you very much for your help.

D. Glad to see you, too, Mary. Indeed, it’s been a very nice journey.

E. Thank you very much.

A budget(预算)is a spending plan.It can help you spend money wisely.It can do this by cu
tting out wasteful spending.Of course,preparing a budget takes planning,and following a budget takes willpower(自制力).Your budget should meet your family’s needs and income.

The first step in creating a budget is to set your goals.What does your family needand want?You must know all that to work out the details of the budget.Never spend more than you can.Then decide which goals are the most important.

The next step is estimating(估计)family income.Before you can plan wisely,you need to know how much money you have to spend!Write down aqll themoney you expect to receive(wages,saving,interest,etc.) during the planned budget period.

After you have calculated (计算)how much money will be available,it is time to estimate expenses(开销、支出).List all of your family expenses.

If you are not satisfied with what you got for your money,look carefully at your spending.Studying your records will show where overspending has occerred.It will also point out poor buying habits.

It is also a good idea to set aside a small amount of money for emergencies.Every family has emergencies:a blown tire,a broken device,or the need for medical care.

51.According to the passage,what is the advantage of a budget?

A.It can help you set your goals clearly.

B.It can help you save a lot of money.

C.It can help you get rid of poor buying habits.

D.It can help you spend money wisely.

52.In carrying out your budget,you need ___.

A.to have the ability to control yourself

B.to ask your family members for advice

C.to cut it down as much as possible

D.to take care not to buy expensive things

53.Accordingiy,one advantage of keeping a record of your spending is that ___.

A.you will remember how much you have already spent

B.you will know if you have spent more money than you planned

C.you will be able to tell your family what should not be bought

D.you will learn how to make a better budget next time

54.The writer suggests that it is a good idea to set aside some money because ___.

A.you probably will not be able to follow your budget

B.people usually spend more than they plan to do

C.one can hardly plan everything in advance

D.others may want to borrow some money from you

55.This passage is mainly about ___.

A.the meaning of a budget B.the relation between budget and income

C.the way a budget is made D.the importance of making a budget

听力原文:A house is the most expensive thing most people will ever buy. Very few people ha

听力原文: A house is the most expensive thing most people will ever buy. Very few people have enough money of their own to buy a home, so they have to borrow money from a bank. Borrowing money from a bank to buy a house is called taking a mortgage. The hank usually lends money or gives a mortgage for 25 years. This means that the person who borrows has 25 years to pay back the money. The bank lends this money with interest, and the borrower makes equal monthly payments to the hank until he has paid the mortgage. Houses are so expensive that many people nowadays have to borrow as much as $50,000. In other words, they will have a $50,000 mortgage.

How can you get a mortgage? When you find a house you like, you go to a bank, sometimes it is necessary to go to a few banks, before applying for a mortgage at once. The bank will investigate your financial history and decide if they think you axe a good risk. They will want to know what kind of job you have. In addition, the banks will require a down payment. Depending on which state you live in, the bank may require as much as 30% of the price of the house as a down payment. The bank will then lend you the rest of the money to buy the house. Many people are never able to buy a house because they cannot save enough money for the down payment.


A.It means to rent a house for 25 years.

B.It means to buy an old house at a low price.

C.It means to borrow money from a bank to buy a house.

D.It means to borrow money from a friend to buy a house.

How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they w
ere young again.Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.

Youth is a time when there are few tasks to make life difficult.If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved.It is impossible that he will again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return.In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child— things that have lost their interest for older people.But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.

When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably.If he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison.If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up his position in society.

1.People can experience happiness if they ________.

A.always think of the past and regret it

B.value the present

C.are no longer young

D.become old and have much experience

2.When people were young, they used to _______.

A.be in charge of many business

B.have few things to think about and take on

C.look after their younger sisters and brothers

D.face a lot of difficulties

3.The pains of children lie in the fact that _______.

A.no one helps them make right decisions

B.they are not allowed to do what they like to do

C.they cannot be accepted and praised by others

D.they are often beaten by their parents

4.Children are usually happy because _______.

A.old people lose interest in them

B.they are free to do wrong

C.they are familiar with everything going on around them

D.things are new to them

5.The author presents the passage in a(n) _____ tone.





The economy started 2006 extremely strong in spite of record oil prices and rising interes
t rates. An unusually mild winter across much of the country is part of the story, but the lack of worry by consumers and business about oil prices is an even bigger part. The question remains, will we continue to glide down the economic highway or slip on oil?

Oil prices have raised overall consumer prices and cut into household purchasing power. So far the higher costs haven't deterred(阻止) buying, even buying of cars and other energy-sensitive items. The major reason for the lack of reaction is that oil is less important to the economy than it once was. Oil, which produced 45% of world energy in 1971, accounted for only 35% in 2003, with increases in nuclear and natural gas use making up the difference.

GM, Ford, and Chrysler suffered as buyers shifted to more fuel-efficient vehicles from Toyota and Honda, but the shift was hot pronounced. Admittedly, light truck sales are holding up in part because manufacturers are offering large discounts to "move the metal", but the fact that buyers are responding to those incentives shows they aren't too scared of gas prices.

Americans continue to spend more than they earn, but gasoline prices will have an effect. Although the April chain store results suggest gasoline prices aren't hurting much yet, eventually Americans will be forced to realize that they have to slow down. We expect the economy to slow in the second half of the year as the impact of higher oil prices sinks in. How much the economy slows will depend on how high oil prices remain. We expect some drop in oil prices by yearend, but I have been saying that for so long even I am starting not to believe it.

The anger against the oil companies is clearly misplaced. Exxon and friends control only a small share of world oil reserves. Most are now in the hands of state-owned oil companies. The recent move by Bolivia to nationalize its industry is only the latest in a long line of similar actions. The history of these enterprises is one of severe underinvestment and mismanagement, which tends to reduce supply and keep prices high. The risk on oil prices is primarily on the high side of our forecast.

Although I think oil prices will drop back in the medium term, to address my serious worries, I'm buying my wife a bike for Mothers' Day.

The economy at the beginning of 2006 is not affected by the high oil price mainly because ______.

A.the warm winter requires less oil to run the heaters

B.the warm winter promotes consumption, across the country

C.people believe that the oil price will drop in near future

D.people don't think the high price will make much of a difference

Probably the most frequently asked question in any job interview is “Tell me about yours

The interviewer’s purpose in asking this question is to get information related to work and job openings. Some people make the mistake of taking this request literally and answering by giving their life history. In fact, the best points to focus on when answering this question are past work experience, education, and social activities. Of these three, work experience carries a lot more weight.

Another very common question that comes up in interviews is “Why do you want to work for this company?” If you don’t have an answer ready for this question, you are letting the interviewer know that you haven’t done much research about the company or the job you are interviewing for. Candidates who can give detailed answers about the perceived benefits of working for a particular company make a much better impression on interviewers.

Two other questions that many people find difficult in interviews are “What are your strengths?” and “What is your biggest weakness?”

People have a hard time answering the first question because it feels like boasting in some ways. But an interview has no time to be shy or modest! The second question poses a problem because the answer needs to be a weakness that sounds like a strength. A good tip to keep in mind is to mention how you are trying to improve.

Along with considering these common interview questions, it is also helpful to remember the questions that should not be asked during an interview. For instance, questions related to family, health, or religion are generally off limits in an interview. If you don’t feel comfortable giving such personal information, then simply don’t.

A final suggestion for preparing for an interview is to go into the interview with your own questions to ask. By asking the interviewer question about the company, you are showing interest and enthusiasm for the job.

1)What is the passage mainly about? ()

A . Actions to avoid during an interview.

B . Body language that interviewers watch for.

C . Interesting interview experiences.

D . Typical interview questions and responses.

2)When asked to tell about yourself, what should be your main focus? ()

A . Your family.

B . Your past jobs.

C . Your hobbies.

D . Kinds of work you enjoy.

3)What response in the following will most impress the interviewer? ()

A . I’ll learn more team spirit from the company.

B . The company’s philosophy is interesting.

C . I would like to find out my benefits as well.

D . I don’t know how to answer this question.

4)If you’re required to talk about your weaknesses, how would you respond? ()

A . Try not to say too much weakness.

B . Try to talk about your strengths instead.

C . Talk about your weakness but sounds like a strength.

D . Be humble and directly tell the interviewer.

5)Why should you prepare your own questions before theinterview?()

A . Let the interview know your strong points

B . Help the interviewer feel relaxed

C . Make the interview last longer

D . Seem enthusiastic about the company


A.How many PE classes do we have

B.o you like PE classes

C.When do we have PE classes

Amitai Etzioni is not surprised by the latest headings about scheming corporate crooks(骗

Amitai Etzioni is not surprised by the latest headings about scheming corporate crooks(骗子). As a visiting professor at the Harvard Business School in 1989 ,he ended his work there disgusted with his students' overwhelming lust for money. "They're taught that profit is all that matters," he says. "Many schools don't even offer ethics (伦理学) courses at all."

Etzioni expressed his frustration about the interests of his graduate students. "By and large. I clearly had not found a way to help classes full of MBAS see that there is more to life than money, power, fame and self-interest," he wrote at the time. Today he still takes the blame for not educating these "business-leaders-to-he". "I really feel like I failed them, "he says. "If I was a better teacher maybe I could have reached them."

Etzioni was a respected ethics expert when he arrived at Harvard. He hoped his work at the university would give him insight into how questions of morality could he applied to places where serf-interest flourished. What he found wash't encouraging. Those would-be executives had, says Etzioni, little interest in concepts of ethics and morality in the boardroom--and their professor was met with blank stares when he urged his students to see business in new and different ways.

Etzioni sees the experience at Harvard as an eye-opening one and says there's much about business schools that he'd like to change. "A lot of the faculty teaching business tire bad news themselves. "Etzioni says. From offering classes that teach students how to legally manipulate contracts, to reinforcing the notion of profit over community interests, Etzioni has seen a lot that's left him shaking his head. And because of what he's seen taught in business schools, he's not surprised by the latest rash of corporate scandals. "In many ways things have got a lot worse at business schools. I suspect. "says Etzioni.

Etzioni is still teaching the sociology of right and wrong and still calling for ethical business leadership. "People with poor motives will always exist," he says. "Sometimes environments constrain those people and sometimes environments give those people opportunity. "Etzioni says the booming economy of the last decade enabled those individuals with poor motives to get rich before getting in trouble. His hope now: that the cries for reform. will provide more fertile soil for his longstanding messages about business ethics.

What impressed Amitai Etzioni most about Harvard MBA students?

A.Their keen interest in business courses.

B.Their intense desire for money.

C.Their tactics for making profits.

D.Their potential to become business leaders.


My interest in Chinese food started years a90,when l was a young reporter for the Washington Post.Our office Wasn’t far from Chinatown,where I found some very good Chinese restaurants.

The first time I ever ate Chinese food I loved it.I noticed the fresh taste of the meat and vegetables.When I learned more about the food,I began to understand why it has this special feature.

Many years ago,China had an energy crisis(危机)because it lost much of its wood due to over population and poor management of its forests.This loss was very bad for the country,of course,but it turned out to be very good for the food.Wood became very expensive and hard to get,so the Chinese had to either find a substitute(替代物)for their valuable wood,or learn how to use it better.There weren’t any substitutes so people found ways to—economize.

In order to economize in cookin9,they had to use very little wood.So they started cutting their meat and vegetables into small pieces before they put them in the hot oil.That way,the food cooked faster and they saved their fuel。The food prepared in this way kept its fresh flavor(味道)一and its this flavor that attracts people from other countries to the art of Chinese cooking.

This text is mainly about__________.

A.what caused Chinese food to taste fresh

B.how Chinese food is cooked in the US

C.when the author started to make Chinese food

D.why most foreigners like cooking Chinese food

A.Fight Against Nature

B.Attractions of the Poles

C.A Survivor’S Story

D.A Brave Woman

-__-It’s 70 yuan()

A.How many are there

B.How much is it

C.How much are they

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